Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Ex-UPenn teammate says trans swimmer Lia Thomas is 'mentally ill'

Mr. Thomas beats women

Well, it isn't just conservative writers saying that gender dysphoric [aka transgender] swimmer Lia Thomas, formerly William Thomas, is mentally ill. 

The woman who remains anonymous in fear of repercussions and possible violence done to her, was clear that Thomas, a man who thinks he's a woman, or at least claims to think he's a woman, said the controversial athlete is "mentally ill," making her statement in an exclusive interview with Christopher Tremoglie of the Washington Examiner.

The anonymous former teammate was speaking in response to a recent interview Thomas had with "Good Morning America." Thomas, a man with his junk still intact, was allowed to beat women--I mean compete against women on the UPenn women's swim team in his senior year in college. He claims he make-believe change [aka transitioning, a fake term] brought him true happiness.

Rumor has it that Thomas still digs the women but can't admit it because they might take his record-smashing medals away when he beat the second place actual woman by 38 seconds and set all kinds of NCAA records in the women's swim division.

The anonymous teammate scoffed at Thomas' claim about his true happiness in the Examiner interview:

"You can tell he is mentally ill. I saw the video and was so disgusted.

"Lia identified as a woman, but she is not a female. That is a fact. It doesn't matter how you feel."

Yes, boys have penises and girls have vaginas. Lia Thomas does not have a vagina, so do the math.

Pressed to further explain her comments, the anonymous woman said that Thomas “was not grounded in reality and was instead so consumed with his own life that he failed to acknowledge any damage he inflicted upon his real female teammates.” The psychological term for this is probably narcissism, I have not diagnosed him, but you can call it sucking.

The woman pointed out how Mr. Thomas damaged women's sports and basically stolen opportunities from real women swimmers, such as his teammates and rival women from competing universities. “Lia's experience was his alone, and many suffered so that he could benefit,” Tremoglie wrote in recounting the interviewee's sentiments.

The ex-teammate of Thomas expressed how upset she was about his glib attitude about taking a woman’s spot on the team and the winner’s stand. She said multiple team members felt the same way.

But if you think Lia Thomas sucks, don't forget the fact that the NCAA went along with this woke bull crap.

The interviewee also pointed out Thomas' lack of empathy and concern for the women "forced to sacrifice their rights to happiness." And these women were uncomfortable with a man in their locker room who flaunted his penis and testicles. They questioned why their happiness was discounted.

What I don't understand is why would any woman agree to compete against a man in any sporting event that requires either strength, speed, or both. 

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In swimming, for example, imagine the impact they would have if they all just stood on the starting platform and let the guy swim his balls off. I realize they would worry that they would be sacrificing scholarships or professional status, but if they all did it, men like Thomas would look like selfish fools and the women would be making a powerful statement that might just give them the results they deserve.

Lia Thomas is a horrible, mentally ill man who, I suspect, hates women at a deep level and has the self-awareness of a guppy. 

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