Sunday, May 1, 2022

Jack Brewer files police report on Joy Reid

Joy Reid, the racist, homophobe host of "Reid Out" on MSNBC is possibly being sued by former NFL player and The Brewer Group CEO Jack Brewer over a tweet Reid posted stating that children holding anti-CRT signs is 'child abuse'.

[H/T Fox News Digital]

Brewer filed a police report and sent a letter to Reid demanding she apologize over her claims that young Black kids associated with his education and mentorship programs were subjected to child abuse when they were photographed with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) during the signing of Florida's anti-critical race theory bill.

Mr. Brewer's letter demanding an apology by May 2nd stated:
"Ms. Reid’s reckless statements placed these kids in danger. Certain people motivated by Reid’s comments are furiously trying to figure out their identities. The families are forced to deal with harassment by the media, and being shamed by members of the community, for their presence at the event. My foundation was forced to add security and police presence at our facilities."
The letter was exclusively shared with Fox News Digital early Friday morning.

Brewer, founder of The Jack Brewer Foundation, also filed a police report with the Coral Springs Police Department last week. Police officers are now present at Brewer’s facilities and are helping protect children commuting to and from tutoring and sports programs.

The letter along with the  police report follow Reid retweeting a message from Florida state Sen. Shevrin Jones (D) last Friday in which Jones attacked the governor for having Black children being photographed at the event where DeSantis signed the "Stop Woke" bill into law. 

Reid's tweet included a photo focusing on three Black children holding anti-CRT signs, who are members of programs Brewer founded, including The Serving Institute and The Heroes program.

"This mis-use of Black boys is tantamount to child abuse. I would really like to hear the back-story on who these kids were and how they wound up at a DeSantis event. Given how anti-Black DeSantis is, using Black children this way is extra sick," Reid said in her tweet.

How does Joy Reid [whose given name is an oxymoron] get away with calling Gov. DeSantis "anti-Black?" With absolutely no evidence, this is tantamount to racism, to use her word. What makes her think these young men were in any way coerced or forced to attend this event? She likely doesn't even know their names.

Brewer stated in his letter to Reid that "the only thing ‘extra sick’ is the offensive tweet by Ms. Reid that slandered my name as a child abuser, and recklessly and maliciously placed young kids in danger."

"Ms. Reid should know the kids she exposed are victims of schools that limit their educational success based on their demographic makeup, as a result of public schools embracing CRT," he continued.

And what does Joy Reid do to help disadvantaged Black youth? All talk, all lies, no action.

Reid updated her tweet last weekend saying that sources informed her the boys in the photo were from a Miami charter school and claimed they may not have known why they were at the DeSantis event.

"Update: heard from a Florida source today that these Black boys who America’s most racist governor used as props came from a Miami charter school (I won’t name the school to spare them from MAGA harassment/threats) & that they may not have known in advance why they were there," Reid wrote, without citing any source.

Brewer explained to Fox News Digital that the boys in the photo knew why they attended the DeSantis event, and said in his letter to Reid that his program launched "an in-depth CRT event for our students and parents which prepared them for the realities of Critical Race Theory" at the start of the 2021 school year.

"Our kids are very aware of the divisive ideology of CRT and are instead trained on biblical based principles of equality and pouring into their anointing as mighty children of God," he wrote in the letter. 

Brewer said Friday that the children are facing angry blowback from within their own communities following Reid's comments.

"I've had to deal with people just because I happen to support conservative Christian views. I get a lot of heat. Well, now my kids are feeling bad in their circles and in their community, and I don't like that," he said.

"Now they're questioning why people are saying that by them going and standing against things that we're teaching them is wrong and … that's really unfortunate," he added.

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Reid's tweets were still posted on her Twitter account as of Friday morning and Nina Jankowicz has not intervened as the Ministry of Truth czarina.

Reid needs to be held account for her libelous statements, which is not protected under the First Amendment. 

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