Sunday, May 8, 2022

Here's why PINO Biden doesn't hold media events in Oval Office

"Take Seven . . . stand by . . ."
Even the windows are fake and don't show the actual Autumn scenery

Alleged President Joe Biden does not make appearances in his own office known as the Oval Office. No, it isn't because the office is oval and would be difficult for a demented person to figure out where the door is located since there would only be one wall. But there is a reason for why he isn't seen in his office for media events and that reason should concern you.

Last Thursday a Politico’s report was released that gave a reason why he doesn't mumble from the historic and powerful symbol of the executive branch's authority. It's because our brain addled leader needs a teleprompter to prevent mental flatulence.

The report was about the prospects of a 2024 rematch between former President Donald John Trump and former Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden. It made reference to the Oval Office Avoidance Sisorder [OOAD] and the reasons it exists.

The White House, it said, “has largely abandoned using the Oval Office for press events in part because it can’t be permanently equipped with a teleprompter.”

If you believe that is the honest reason, you might also believe that our recession is a good thing and that Bernie Sanders is living below the poverty line. 

First, why must it have a "permanent" teleprompter? Whenever a president gives a speech across the country, the teleprompter goes along for the ride. It isn't a permanent fixture at the place of the event. 

And second, why can't a sitting President make a speech without a telepromter? Trump does it all the time. Sure, he's better off when he doesn't, but the point is that he's capable of actually speaking from his own thoughts, like them or not. 

“Biden aides prefer the fake White House stage built in the Old Executive Office Building next door for events, sacrificing some of the power of the historic backdrop in favor of an otherwise sterile room that was outfitted with an easily read teleprompter screen,” the report claimed.

Again, if you think with the technology that exists today that the White House couldn't install a state-of-the-art communication system for the old codger, you might also believe Rashida Tlaib's son had a bar mitzvah in Jerusalem.

This isn't even the first excuse the White House pretended to use the Oval Office.

In October, Newsweek reported that Martha Kumar, director of the White House Transition Project, girl splained that this room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building was being used more regularly because it provided better access for the staff and reporters. 

And if you believe that reason, you might also believe that Brian Stelter is sexy when he speaks like Richard Simmons.

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Biden's team has to stay alert at all times to ensure the PINO doesn't screw things up that they can't be explained as to what he "really meant."

Even when he uses a teleprompter, he can’t be trusted not to screw up. So you would think that now that we know about the fake Oval Office the people pulling the nation's strings would back off and let the house plant speak from there, but you would be wrong.

The real reason why he doesn't use the Oval Office is because he isn't the real president. Whoever is pulling his strings, loading up his teleprompter, is in the driver's seat.

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