Saturday, April 9, 2022

Boston Marathon bomber asks for stay of execution

The eyes of a killer

Although PINO Joe Biden mumbled for an end to the federal death penalty, his Department of Justice is pushing for it to be reinstated in the case of the jihadi Boston Marathon bomber.

The killer is appealing his death sentence again because he doesn't want to die in spite of having killed three people, including 8-year-old Martin Richard, and Lingzi Lu, 23, a Boston University graduate student and injuring 260 others.

Krystle Campbell, 29, was a restaurant manager from Medford. She was killed by a pressure cooker that his older brother placed. The brother also shot and killed MIT police officer Sean Collier while fleeing the bombings, but he was soon killed after a confrontation with police in Watertown hours later.

The scumbag is asking the First Circuit Court of Appeals to consider four constitutional claims not present during his US Supreme Court case.

The appeal says the court improperly forced him to stand trial in Boston, where he and his now dead brother killed and maimed people who were standing just down the way from the marathon finish line. His lawyers challenged two jurors they say had lied on court and dismissed a juror who opposed the death penalty and admitted evidence they say was gathered during a "coerced confession."

The surviving brother, now 28, was convicted and sentenced to death for placing a bomb made from a pressure cooker, outside the Forum restaurant on Boylston Street on April 15, 2013, during the Boston Marathon.

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Rolling Stone, a magazine best used when camping and toilet paper is nowhere to be found, glorified this POS by putting a airbrushed photo of him on their magazine cover.

The killer remains in prison in Colorado awaiting execution, which cannot come soon enough.

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