Saturday, April 9, 2022

Sen. Ted Cruz asks for autopsy on remains of 5 unborn babies found in home near Capitol

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has sent a letter to Mayor Muriel Bowser and Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee III called on Washington, D.C. authorities to preserve the remains of five unborn [and possibly born] infants that have been found by police in a home several blocks from the U.S. Capitol.

Cruz suggested the infants  "may have been murdered or aborted in violation of federal law," and he wants the evidence preserved for a potential criminal investigation and congressional oversight. Being that Bowser is a Democrat and supports the killing of infants in the womb, it is unlikely she will comply with Senator Cruz's wishes.

"It appears that the Metropolitan Police Department has assumed the cause and nature of these children’s deaths without an investigation," Cruz correctly points out in his letter. "It has recently been brought to my attention that the D.C. government may incinerate the bodies of these five children without conducting an investigation, without performing any autopsies, and without affording these children a proper, respectful burial."

Cruz sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee and actually cares about the law.

Cruz also asked the police and Bowser to "direct the D.C. Medical Examiner to conduct an autopsy of each of these five children’s bodies consistent with the type of method and detail that would be conducted in a murder investigation." Although it is still not considered to be barbaric to kill our own children before leaving the birth canal, and is some cases even after, if you have seen the photos of these children, it will leave you gasping at the horror. I swear that I cried.

The story goes like this: on March 31, five dead infants were found in a Capitol Hill home where an anti-abortion activist [aka anti baby killing activist] had been staying. Authorities at the time determined the babies were killed in accordance with D.C. law, according to Fox 5 DC.

The dead babies wee found the same day investigators are arresting anti-abortion activist Lauren Handy as part of a federal indictment claiming she and eight others attempted to block patients from entering an abortion clinic in D.C. on October 22, 2020.

Ms. Handy and Terrisa Bukovinac are members of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) and at a news conference Tuesday they said the five fetuses were among a total of 115 fetuses the group obtained from a Washington, D.C., clinic's medical waste, according to USA Today. They explained that they asked the driver of the medical waste company if they could take one of the biohazard boxes being loaded onto the truck, but the company denied the claims.

PAAU has been asking the cops to investigate the remains for evidence of federally illegal murder of the babies after at least part of their bodies emerged from the mothers. Twenty-three Senate and House Republicans along with zero Democrats, sent a similar letter urging the authorities to investigate how the children died.

"Based on evidence collected at the time of recovery and photos that have been publicly shared, all five of these children appear to have developed well past the point of viability, and likely suffered severely painful abortion procedures, though without an autopsy, it is not known how each child died," the letter states.

Whether the babies feel pain when they were killed, and undoubtedly they did, is merely part of the issue. Their right to life was snatched from them because they were an inconvenience for the mothers who seem to believe that what they don't see, doesn't exist. 

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This is why abortion mills usually don't allow mothers to see the sonograms of their child before he or she is killed. And women who "shout" their abortion, are either psychopaths or deniers that they are killing a person.

I did not show the photos because they are simply too disturbing to view. But if you are considering an abortion, or believe that you're killing a cluster of cells, you should see the photos and your mind will instantly be changed.

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