Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Joe Biden responds to Kamala's "Passage of Time" soliloquy

Can you read the wonderful body language?

In spite of the fact that staffers are leaving the office of Vice President Kamala Harris like rats on a sinking ship, one cannot deny the veracity and eloquence of Ms. Harris and the depth of her personal philosophy on life itself. This has not only impressed people she knows intimately, but it has moved the President, Joseph Robinette Biden to places he has never gone.

On Monday, Ms. Harris spoke in Sunset, Louisiana and delved into an intellectual soliloquy that left many of us speechless and scratching our collective heads in wonderment and enchantment over the immense depth of her understanding not merely of the passage of time, about which she spoke, but of life and its meaning and all we hold dear in our hearts.

I grace this page with the very words she gave us:
“The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time, so when you think about it there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when you think of a day in the life of our children.”
Kamala finished her insight with a confirming shake of the head and her radiant signature smile.

PINO Joe Biden spoke with Ms. Harris after her fabulous speech and couldn't say enough about her way with words. 

BIDEN: Hi Kamala. How's it shaking, I mean how's tricks?"

HARRIS: Hello Joe. Tricks is good. Tricks is really good. What can I for you do? Hahahahaha.

BIDEN: I heard your, you know, the words, the thing, how do you call it, oh, your speech in that southern town.

HARRIS: Sunset.

BIDEN: I believe we moved the clocks so it changed. I like that. Do you know they do that every so often--change the clocks I mean.

HARRIS: Joe, what can I do for you?

BIDEN: I just called to say great job on your talk about time passing. It moved me and Jill and she even started to shed a few tears from the words you said.

HARRIS: Thank you, Joe. Your approval means a lot to me. Many things mean a lot to many people and people are important because of things that they mean and that mean to them. The exception is mean people mean less to mean and are meaningless in the way they see time and the passage of time, Joe.

BIDEN: That's heavy stuff, Kamala. Heavy like Adele. She was a heavy singer but not anymore. She changed with time.

HARRIS: With the passage of time, Joe. With the passage of time.

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