Monday, January 10, 2022

AOC goes undercover in Florida to prove they have a Covid problem

In an undercover operation, so-called "Squad" team leader Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Socialist-NY) has been one of the loudest voices against Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida over his lack of coronavirus mandates. 

DeSantis has refused to mandate mask requirements and has allowed public schools to remain open during this time. According to Carl Bernstein, the lack of restrictions and mandates on Floridians is "worse than Watergate."

Our intrepid AOC clearly agrees.

In a brave, unprecedented over-cover operation, AOC traveled to Miami with her boyfriend and mingled at a bar with men who find their sexual fulfillment wearing clothing of the other gender. 

Knowing the dangers she was facing [not with the gay men, but with the possibility of contracting the dreaded virus] she did not wear a mask nor did her boyfriend who even exposed his beautiful feet to the public. 

The loving couple pretended to have a good time, as they laughed and danced and hugged men in women's clothing.
AOC and boyfriend pretending to have a good time

As predicted, the gay men at the drag bar all wanted to "date" the gorgeous congresswoman, which is another way of saying they wanted to have wild monkey sex with her and "damn this gay thing--what was I thinking?" they thought.

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Well lo and behold, she got what she came to Florida for: a dose of the COVIDs, proving that DeSantis' lack of rules put people in danger of catching the dreaded disease.

"You won't believe it, but I went through two boxes of tissues and had to resort to using toilet paper to keep my nose dry. I coughed and sneezed and had pains in my back," the brave congresswoman told Brain Flushings reporter Tillio Cachevitz. "But I proved I was right: Florida is a hell-hole where people go to die. By the way, do you know how difficult it can be to find toilet paper in this crisis?"

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