Friday, December 3, 2021

Waukesha killer's mom blames mental health services on son's mayhem murders

The mother of Darrell Brooks, the black man who drove his SUV into a crowd of marchers at the annual Christmas Parade in order to kill as many white people as he could, finally broke her silence Wednesday in a letter written to the media.

Unlike CNN and legacy news outlets blaming the killings on the SUV, Dawn Woods, 62, blamed the killings on a lack of mental health services, putting the responsibility for the murders on the shoulders of an entity that wasn't available to her son.

Brooks was living with his mother when he plowed his red Ford Escape into the parade marchers on Nov. 21, killing six people and injuring more than 60, according to court records.

"We are not making excuses," she began using third person as she was making excuses for her son, "but we believe what has happened is because he was not given the help and resources he needed," Woods wrote in the letter, CBS58 reported

"Institutions that are equipped and have trained staff is what was needed as well as resources in the communities where people who suffer with mental illness live," the letter says. "Jail is not the answer, because they get released back in society sicker than what they were when they entered. We all see what a tragedy that can turn out to be."

Brooks, 39, suffered from mental illness and was on medication since he was child, according to the letter and court papers. His criminal rap sheet indicates over two dozen arrests spanning from Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin. If there is one thing Brooks excels in, it's crime.

Some of Brooks' history, according to court records, shows that in 2010 he strangled his girlfriend and allegedly kicked in her door after she got phone calls from other men. He allegedly threw her to the ground, causing a cut to her right eye, and a bruise on her left eye. [H/T Fox News]

"The defendant got on top of her when she was on the floor, grabbed her throat and squeezed," the complaint says. "This action made it extremely difficult for her to breath."

The court documents are the latest to shed light on Brooks’ lengthy criminal history that includes many incidents of brutal domestic violence — foreshadowing the horrific attack on the holiday revelers, killing 6 and injuring at least 60 others.

If you want to blame anyone beyond Brooks for what he did on Nov. 21st, blame those who let him back out on the streets with ridiculously low bails.

In the latest instance, Brooks allegedly punched his girlfriend in the face and ran her over with the same Ford Escape on Nov. 2. The incident left tire marks on her left leg and a swollen lip along with other bruises. The prosecutor requested his release on a mere $1,000 cash bail despite the fact the alleged scumbag had another pending felony case for shooting at his nephew and his girlfriend in 2020.

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And it was HIS MOTHER, Dawn Woods, who posted the sum and he was freed one week before the deadly rampage in Waukesha.

So maybe it hasn't dawned on Dawn Woods that she had a hand in allowing this tragic event to happen. Or maybe it's guilt that she's trying to assuage. 

But wouldn't a mother be one of the most aware people who would know the most about their child's mental health issues, especially when he lives with her?

I suspect she feels guilty.

And Joy Reid is a racist.

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