Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Cori Bush pulls a Brian WIlliams: shot at by White supremacists

Rep[ulsive] Cori Bush (D-MO) claimed in a tweet that she along with fellow protesters were shot at by White supremacists [she knows this somehow] during the Ferguson riots several years ago. She made this claim while talking about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial in which an 18-year-old man is fighting for his life for fighting for his life when he was attacked by three men with serious criminal histories at a different riot in Kenosha, WI.

Bush, an open Marxist and anti-American racist, was a member of Black Lives Matter before being elected to Congress.

"When we marched in Ferguson, white supremacists would hide behind a hill near where Michael Brown Jr. was murdered and shoot at us," Bush tweeted Monday afternoon. "They never faced consequences."

Hill? They hid behind a hill?  Shot at the protesters? How did this not make the news at the time? Why did nobody else come forward? 

"If Kyle Rittenhouse gets acquitted, it tells them that even seven years later they still can get away with it," Bush wrote.

Bush characterized Rittenhouse as a White supremacist. There is no evidence that exists that links him to any White supremacist groups or ideologies, nor does Bush know him personally. 

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And the fact is, Michael Brown was not murdered by officer Darren Wilson. The Obama Justice Department determined the shooting was in self-defense. The "hands up, don't shoot" narrative was a lie perpetrated by BLM and the left.

And speaking of lies, the pushback against Bush was immediate.

Ferguson Police Chief Frank McCall Jr., who became chief in July and was previously chief of the nearby Berkeley Police Department, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Monday that he didn’t know of any record of such an incident described by the Marxist congresswoman.

"Not that I’m aware of," he said. He also stated that he wasn’t aware of any incidents that the tweet might be referencing.

Skeptics demolished Bush’s claim and circulated articles on social media about the 2015 conviction of Jeffrey Williams, a Black man who was found guilty of shooting and wounding two police officers during a Ferguson protest in front of the police station on March 12, 2015. Witnesses at the time said they believed the shots came from the top of a hill about 220 yards directly opposite the police station. 

In the best case scenario, it seems as if Bush's mind changed the facts of the events to conform with her beliefs, or what is termed cognitive dissonance.

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