Monday, September 27, 2021

Why is nobody demanding Biden take a cognitive test?

Does anyone have a doubt that President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is suffering from dementia? The Democrats demanded former President Trump take a cognitive test and he did, with a perfect score. And while it doesn't suggest that Trump is a genius, at least it shows that he didn't suffer from cognitive decline.

Can we honestly say the same about Biden?

If you said "yes," you are probably a leftist or, at the least, a liberal.

Biden experienced another cognitive glitch again on Friday when he was with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He mentioned to Modi that he was vice president just one year ago. That isn't a gaffe. That isn't a stutter. That's a full-blown brain fart of normal recall that demonstrates his decline. It would be one thing if he said three of four years ago, that might be forgiven, but one year shows that his brain is like chopped liver.

Unless he was lying, as is his wont.

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But it's likely that he just doesn't have good recall, although he was able to recall that his co-president Vice President Kamala Hahaharris shares Indian heritage with Modi. Overall, however, Biden spoke gibberish at times to Modi and how he came off should scare the crap out those who realize he holds the nuclear "football."

“When I showed the Prime Minister to his seat, I pointed out that seat is occupied almost every day by an Indian American,” Biden said in an attempt to virtue signal about his diverse administration. “The Vice President’s mother was from India — a scientist and a remarkable woman.”

Then Biden uttered a statement that even the White House transcriber could not edit for clarity.

“As — as I think you know, Mr. Prime Minister, I’ve long believed that the U.S.-India relationship can help us solve an awful lot of global challenges,” he mush-mouthed. “In fact, back in 2006, I set that hope out, where I said that by 2020 — when I was Vice President — 2020, India and the United States would be among the closest nations in the world with one another.” (My emphasis.)

The video on Twitter says it all. Biden stopped being vice president in 2016 and was a private citizen with a crack addled, whoring son.

In 2006, when he was a senator representing Delaware, he might have held hope for U.S.-India relations while he seemed to believe that all Indians either ran gas stations or sold donuts and coffee:
“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking” – Joe Biden#USElection2020

— Chris Burke (@chrisburke) September 30, 2020

On Tuesday, Biden once again repeated his fake Amtrak story in front of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. 

“When I was vice president, the Secret Service didn’t like me traveling on Amtrak because there were too many options for people to cause trouble along the way. But I insisted I do it,” he lied. 

Of course, it's possible that he's told that lie so many times that he forgot it's a lie--kind of like the Cornpop story.

Biden claimed that he had hit a milestone after traveling over 1.3 million miles on Air Force Two as vice president when his train conductor, a man named Angelo Negri, told him he’d hit another milestone.

“So I’m walking up to get on the train on that Friday and a guy, who was the number three guy from New Jersey on seniority as a conductor, walked up to me and grabbed me and goes like this, ‘Joey baby!’ and grabs my face. I thought the Secret Service was going to shoot him and I said no, no, he’s a friend,” Biden said.

“Do you know how many miles you’ve traveled on Amtrak?” Biden claimed Negri told him. “You’ve traveled over 2 million miles, big deal!”

The thing is, Negri died in 2014, two years before Biden crossed the 1.3 million mark on the vice presidential aircraft in 2016. AND NEGRI RETIRED IN 1993!

Maybe it's just his lies, but that seems very doubtful. He continues to make a fool of himself and he isn't being held accountable.

Why isn't anyone demanding he take a cognitive test? 

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