Thursday, September 2, 2021

CA school board blasted for allowing an Antifa member to indoctrinate kids

Gipes and his classroom
photo: Louder with Crowder

Gabriel Gipe, a Sacramento teacher At Inderkum H.S., is a member of Antifa and his goal was to indoctrinate the kids in his classroom into becoming "revolutionaries," using his own term, and indoctrinate them in Marxist political ideology. 

Gipes had been exposed on video Tuesday by the brave undercover reporters at Project Veritas (PV), and on Wednesday night, the Natomas Unified School District in Sacramento, CA, held a school board meeting and pissed off parents and others confronted these either  incompetent or willfully blind board members, at best, or complicit Marxist sympathizers at worst. 

The parents went after the teacher and confronted the school board as well as the local teachers association and California Teachers Association for trying to subvert the nation. They were also pissed that Gipes was merely put on paid administrative leave rather than canning his communist butt.

Gipes told PV in answer to a question to describe his mission, “I have 180 days to turn them [his students] into revolutionaries.” When then asked how he'd accomplish this mission he bragged, “Scare the f**k out of them,” as reported by Newsweek. The outlet also said that, “His classroom displays an Antifa flag and poster with an image of Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong, and he says on the video he gives extra credit to students who attend left-wing rallies or disrupt rallies attended to by ‘right-wing rednecks.’”

Before the parents spoke, Superintendent Chris Evans announced that Gipe had been “placed on paid leave because of his actions and choices in the classroom.”

Here is the PV undercover video:

The first parent spoke about the “public sector labor unions like the Natomas Teachers Association and the larger California Teachers Association with which it is affiliated. These entities no longer consider themselves organizations advocating for the wages, hours, and working conditions of their members, but rather as social justice organizations pushing a radical agenda to tear down and radically transform American society, The board should immediately take all actions necessary to ensure that classrooms in this district in the future, not just the past, remain free of the political agendas of individual teachers and labor unions, and that children here receive an education, not an indoctrination.”

What was later revealed in the meeting was that there were several additional teachers in the same school that harbored the same Marxist beliefs and were also indoctrinating the students.

The video, which is 1:37:30 in length but is worth watching, at least in part. Go to 22:05 and listen to one angry parent voice her concerns:

It's time for parents to take stand firm against this disgusting indoctrination of their children. Kids look to these teachers as authority figures who must know what truth is and often are at a point where they are questioning the validity of the opinions of their parents.

Rather than quoting what was said at the meeting, go to the video and listen to the speakers. Some were more eloquent and passionate than others, but all of them made good points. 

This school board knew what was happening, and may still be happening in the classrooms of this and other schools in the district. Yet they have done nothing until now because they have been exposed. They should all resign or be fired, and some possibly be considered for criminal charges, particularly Gipes, who may have committed child abuse bu trying to "scare the f**k out of them."

But know this: what is happening in this California high school is by no means isolated. America has to wake up like this school district did and stay involved in what's going on in their child's classroom.

Thanks to Project Veritas and the people who work behind the scenes to bring us truth. Consider supporting them.

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