Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Jen Psaki denies stranded people in Afghanistan are stranded: they're just exit hampered

It's looking like the Democrats are needing to make a trip to Costco to buy new skivvies as the Biden-Harris-Obama-AOC-Pelosi administration are showing their breathtaking lack of competence regarding the Afghanistan withdrawal. Young men were falling to their deaths out of climbing planes, people were being beaten, shot, their passports stolen while the Taliban mocks us for leaving their allies high and dry.

On Monday's press conference, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was clearly annoyed by Fox News' Peter Doocy when he asked the ginger whether Biden was cognizant of the criticism against the withdrawal saying it was about leaving Americans "stranded" in Kabul.

Doocy asked: "Does the president have a sense that most of the criticism is not of leaving Afghanistan? It's the way that he has ordered it to happen by pulling the troops before getting these Americans who are now stranded. Does he have a sense of that?" 

Psaki had no good answer about the situation so instead, she parsed words calling the use of the word 'stranded' "irresponsible." "I think it's irresponsible to say Americans are stranded, there are not. We are committed to bringing Americans to want to come home, home."

Then what do you call a group of people who cannot get to the airport, or are being stopped from getting there and on a flight that would take them out of Afghanistan? Exit denied? A captive audience? Hostages?

Doocy followed up and asked whether "there are no Americans stranded" is the official White House position.

"I'm just calling you out for saying we are stranding Americans in Afghanistan when we have been very clear that we are not leaving Americans who want to return home," Psaki said. "We are going to bring them home and I think that's important for the American public to hear and understand."

Doocy later asked Psaki whether Americans being beaten up by the Taliban and Afghans passing babies over barbed-wire fences was what Biden meant when he said, "America is back."

"What the president meant is that we are going to continue to lead in the world including being the leaders in evacuating not just our Afghan partners, not just American citizens, but also our allies," Psaki replied. 

Psaki said Biden's "America is back" slogan is about how they are "going to continue to lead in the world including being the leaders in evacuating, not just our Afghan partners, not just American citizens, but now also our allies."

The Taliban, upon hearing Psaki's responses, wet their tunbaan from laughing so hard.

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