Sunday, August 8, 2021

Guy in dress complains about shop owner's sign but the latter doesn't back down

Aberdeen, WA -- a business owner and a male council member in a dress got into a verbal altercation after the pair got into a screaming match over the business owner's shop sign which reads: "If you are born with a d**k, you are not a chick."

A report from KING-TV, Council member Tiesa Meskis, who believes he's a woman, blasted Sucher & Sons Star Wars Shop owner Don Sucher over what Meskis declared the sign hanging in Sucher's store. 

As you can see from the photo above, Meskis is built like an overweight linebacker.

The unladylike exchange was captured on video and soon went viral.

In the video, Sucher said, "Let me tell you this. You are f**ked in the head. You are f**ked in the head. You are an embarrassment to the community."

"I think you need to look in the mirror when you say that," Meskis fired back, sounding a bit like "Seinfeld's" George Castanza when he didn't have a good comeback.

Sucher stepped back and gestures toward Meskis, saying, "Well look at yourself, for Christ's sake. ... You are not a f***ing chick! Do you still have a d**k? 'Cause if you do, guess what—"

Meskis responded, "You know what, that is none of your f***ing business."

But Sucher is wrong. If Meskis had his d**k mutilated, he would still be a man with a mutilated d**k, not matter what that d**k looked like. For example, if Meskis had his d**k sculpted to look alike George Soros, that would not make Meskis George Soros. 

But it would be an interesting cocktail conversation.

"Do you think that there's one person who really thinks that you're a chick?" Sucher asked the burly dude. "Nobody confronts you, that's the problem. Why are you doing this?"

"This is who I am," Meskis seethed.

Sucher waved off the response and said, "F**k that s**t. F**k that s**t!"

"It doesn't mean that you can put up a sign like that," Meskis said, implying that the United States is no longer a free country.

Sucher said that Meskis makes him uncomfortable and told the trans woman to leave the store.

As Meskis exited, Sucher followed and said, "You're f**king nuts."

"Trans women are women!" Meskis incorrectly shouted in defiance and began chanting the phrase from the sidewalk outside of Sucher's store. The two continued shouting at each other for several more minutes before Meskis walked away shouting, "Stop staring at my ass!"

Here is the video: and then there is part two:
Meskis told KING, "What he wrote [in the sign] was so demeaning and so dismissive of who I am, [a mentally ill man with gender dysphoria] who any trans woman is."

"I don't care what they do, but don't come in here and complain to me about stuff," Sucher told the station. "I have free speech."

Meskis finally waltzed away promising to return with pro cross-dressers to protest Sucher's First Amendment rights.

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