Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Brian "Not Gay" Stelter compares Trump supporters to Jonestown cultists

The somewhat effeminate Comedy News Network's host of "Reliable Sources" [an oxymoron] Brian Stelter, compared Donald Trump supporters to Jonestown cult members. He has taken a softer stance and no longer will be comparing Trump supporters to white supremacists, white nationalists and Nazis.

The follicle-shy Stelter was talking with Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), to help explain how Trump supporters were like Jonestown cultists. Speier, survived the Jonestown massacre while investigating the group in 1978 agreed with Stelter's ridiculous comparison.

"These citizens in other countries sometimes email me, and say you know why doesn’t the American media just call out Trump for what he is? Call Trump fandom for what it is? Sometimes they use the word ‘cult.’ I know that’s a sensitive word, doesn't come up a lot in American news coverage, so I wanted to put it to an expert, an unfortunate expert," Stelter began, obviously unable to quit Trump as a smile crossed his moist lips and his gaze went heavenward. 

The slightly adipose host claimed that he "wanted to hear her thoughts about the comparison, the notion of the cult of Trump, especially in the light of January 6 and the mass delusion that led to a riot of lies on Capitol Hill."

Speier openly compared Trump with Jonestown leader Jim Jones but without the cool shades, and without followers willing to die for him like Jones had, and without Trump willing to commit suicide like Jones did, and without Trump having the idea of murdering a moron Representative from California, like Jones did. But otherwise, they were two peas in a pod. Oh, and Jones was a Democrat.

"There’s no question that you could compare Jim Jones as a charismatic leader who would bring his congregation together," Speier claimed. "And the only difference between Jim Jones and Donald Trump is the fact that we now have social media, so all these people can find themselves in ways that they couldn’t find themselves before." [see above for more differences]

Jonestown massacre was not a Trump rally

Jim Jones originally lead more than 900 members of his settlement in Guyana to commit mass suicide by cyanide-laced Kool Aid in 1978. A California congressman, Rep. Leo Ryan, and four other people were also killed in an ambush attempting to investigate the group.

Stelter's Sunday show, now that Trump is out of office, has been rated lower than whale excrement, which is at the bottom of the ocean. The prior week's "Reliable Sources" was also rated low in a key demographic--about 100,000 viewers ages 25 to 54, the lowest rating for 2021.

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