Friday, July 2, 2021

Biden doesn't allow Florida building tragedy go to waste: alludes to global warming

President Biden checks is eyelids for holes

Joe Biden mush-mouthed at a press conference on Thursday the alleged concerns of some members of the Miami community as to the possibility that global warming may be to blame for the tragic building collapse of the Surfside Condo. As of this post, at least 18 people are confirmed dead and 145 are still missing.

“We don’t have any firm proof of what’s happened,” Biden said. "We also don't have any firm proof that aliens from somewhere out there did not cause this tragedy and loss of life.  You hear about those things all the time--I'm serious. There’s all kinds of rational speculation about whether or not rebars are, were, maybe were rusted, old, weather beaten, whether or not the cement, or whatever they used back then, whether it’s limestone, shale, marble or not, and whether or not, but a lot of the, a lot of the families, a whole lot of families who survived and didn't die talked about how upset with sorrow and sad, very sad they were that in the last years that they’ve been here, how there was or is, was one condominium complex built across the street, like the kids say, 'yonder,' and a road was purchased and built, built by strong men; Americans, one and all. And while they were living there, they would hear the drilling,  the noise was unbearable but they bared it, and they feel their building moving and shaking. I'm not joking.”

“There are all kinds of talks and discussions about whether or not they thought that water level rising, what impact it had,” he added. “And interesting to me and maybe to you, I don't know that for a fact, I didn’t raise it, but how many of the survivors, the Americans who refused to give up; refused to die, and how many of the families talked about the impact of global warming. Is it just me, or is it warm here today?  How much, and they [don’t] know exactly, [but] they talked about sea levels rising and high tides raise all those boats, and about how, how they were, and and the combination of that and the concern about incoming storms, incoming tropical storms, incoming enemy storms.  And so, but I don’t think there is at this point, any definitive judgment as to why it collapsed, but I like to think it was global warming and I'm going to go with that, and how much money we can spend to prevent it from happening and what other buildings may have to be inspected to determine if they have the same problems. And the Green New Deal would have prevented that collapse. I'm serious.”

So to Biden, global warming is the rational reason the building collapsed because, um, AOC.

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