Saturday, January 2, 2021

Truth missing from Debra Messing: she lied about David Perdue

Hollywood actress Debra Messing claimed in a tweet that Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) flashed a "white power" sign on camera at a Georgia rally in October.

He did not.

The photo in question shows Sen. Perdue with a pair of young GOP interns, each holding up three fingers for the camera. The reason for three fingers in the shot was to show that the volunteers had made 3.000 (three, get it?) campaign contacts in their efforts. 

That's three (3) thousand, Deb.

Truman Capote once said that the better the actor, the dumber they are. Messing, therefore, must be dumber than an avocado if Capote was correct.

Messing has since deleted her tweet in which she accused the senator of the racist hand sign and while she was at it, called Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) a racist, referring to her as "KKKKelly" in the tweet.

[H/T Breitbart News]

Not knowing someone and making such a despicable, disgusting, attack on them makes Messing an ass. Really. One has to be an ass to spew such crap.
Here's the tweet:
“Flashing the #WhitePower sign on the campaign trail in #Georgia. Is this what you want #Georgia? You voted AGAINST white supremacy in Nov & we need you to do it ONE MORE TIME to fire this guy and #KKKKelly.” 
Messing, who, like many actors need to read aloud the words of others to form their opinion, had based her accusations on a tweet from an account called “Blue Georgia” (@BlueATLGeorgia). “David Perdue gave the white power sign at his rally,” the anonymous account alleged.

Then another ass named Charles Johnson re-tweeted the statement and said that "Loeffler hangs out with the Klan, and Perdue throws white power signs. This is who Republicans are."

So Messing, who is obviously not going to be using the Ladies Room at any Mensa meetings in the future, thought that was brilliant--in spite of there being zero evidence to support either claim.

The original GOP tweet:

Messing is a "has been" and has a track record of tweeting false accusations against Republicans.  In June, she got fact checked on Twitter after Breitbart News reported that she posted a fake photo in an attempt to conflate President Trump and Adolf Hitler. The tweet was soon thereafter removed from her account, but she continues to be an ass as she often attempts to destroy the reputations of conservatives, and President Trump, in particular. 

Due to Messing's political affiliation, Twitter didn’t issue a fact-check on her damaging accusations, and are still live on her account. But she showed her homophobia and got a ton of backlash for tweeting a gay insult at President Trump and for wishing him to be raped in prison

Of course, even though she deleted those tweets, she is a leftist and is allowed to be homophobic if the cancel culture still likes her. They tend to like asses, so she's safe.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny, no joke. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon, check out the ads and give them a good, hard clicking.

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