Saturday, January 2, 2021

Potty-mouth "journalist" wants to murder Christians and anti-maskers

Chuck Norris wannabe and left-wing "journalist" Herr Kurt Eichenwald went homicidal on New Year's Eve as he wished "pain and misery" on Republicans. The tough guy ranted that he wants to find an "anti-masker" and "beat them to death." He used the word 'them' because he's leaving room for a relatively weak woman.

[H/T Breitbart]

Eichenwald also attacked alleged "anti-mask" "FU**ING Christians" who preen about God saving [them] from COVID," and speaking for Christ said that it was these Christians who "Jesus condemns."

Imagine a person speaking on behalf of Jesus Christ with the hatred he spews and pretending he is better than thou.

“I have so much hate in my heart tonight. My sister, widowed by COVID, has Covid because of antimaskers,” he wrote on Thursday, without evidence of the cause. 

“About 4,000 died today; GOP says nothing. [Republican Sen. Josh Hawley] & his ilk are working to harm America. I wish them & their loved ones all the pain & misery they inflicted on this country.”

Amen, Eichenwald, you Christian epidemiologist you.

Then he tweeted again but the post was  removed from Twitter for violating its terms of service. Had he wished death on President Trump, perhaps Twitter would have let it slide.

Eichenwald wrote: “It’s at a moment like this that I want to find an anti-masker and beat them to death. Since they believe they have the right to kill others, they have surrendered any right to object. #CategoricalImperative.”

Anti-maskers do not believe they have the right to kill others. They see mandated mask-wearing as an infringement of their freedom. I don't agree with them, especially if they're in a confined area such as an elevator or small store where one cannot maintain enough physical distancing to keep others safe.

But Eichenwald is an idiot for thinking people who go without masks do so in order to kill others.

I feel badly for Eichenwald's loss in his family, but he apparently lacks the ability to differentiate intent and malice with ignorance. And he is no better than people who harbor malice with intent. 

He is an angry, possibly mentally ill person for these murderous thoughts.

In another post, Eichenwald said he does not “care” if folks’ children are left orphans if those people don’t take the COVID precautions he would like them to take.

“If someone is willing to leave the children of innocents without parents, I don’t care if their own kids are orphans. Reap what they sew [sic]. It shouldn’t just be the innocent that suffer,” he said, confusing 'sew' with 'sow'.

Blaze TV's Sara Gonzales tweeted:
These people are genuinely nuts.
— Sara Gonzales (@SaraGonzalesTX) December 31, 2020
Herr Eichenwald is just another angry leftist hypocrite in a myriad of similar haters.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny, no joke. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon, check out the ads and give them a good, hard clicking.

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