Saturday, January 9, 2021

De Blasio begs Cuomo to not let the elderly die from Covid

New York City Democrat Mayor comrade Warren Wilhelm, Jr. [aka Bill de Blasio] practically begged Democrat Governor Andrew "The Reaper" Cuomo to not punish anyone for vaccinating the city's most vulnerable population: people over 75 and especially those with preconditions that put them in great jeopardy. 

"We’ve got literally twice as many New Yorkers over 75 as the amount of vaccine we have in stock right this minute and yet we are not allowed by state law to give a single shot to a single New Yorker over 75," he said, literally misusing the word "literally." 

Initially, Cuomo had prioritized young, vibrant, healthy health care workers who are at relatively low risk of morbidity, but that is no surprise. The goober Gov., while bragging about the great job he did at the outset of the COVID pandemic, mandated nursing home patients with COVID be returned to their respective nursing homes which resulted in tens of thousands of dead former nursing home residents. In fact, NY state has over 38,800 deaths and is only behind New Jersey, another Democrat-run state, in total deaths.

Cuomo's rationale for vaccinating health care workers is to keep hospitals open. It's the same rationale for sending COVID elderly patients back to nursing homes--to make room for others. It didn't work out so well for him, but you'd never know it because he bragged about it in a book he found time to write.

"The rules of the COVID vaccine distribution have been clear for many weeks and agreed to by virtually all credible federal and state leaders," the failed governor’s office said in a statement Thursday. "The first priority is ‘1A,’ healthcare workers who are on the front lines."

I cannot believe I agree with de Blasio on anything, but I do on this issue. He said front-line workers are essential but says the pickup from that group has been limited. In a total pool of 100,000 with 54,000 doses available, only 16,000 have been administered.

New York's health care workers are listed under the "1A" group [along with Cuomo's sainted mother and his brother, Fredo], and they will get vaccinated before group "1B" or essential workers and those over 75. Rep. Alexandria Obviously-Comatose, or AOC, has already received the vaccination and posted it on social media because she's 31 and healthy and you aren't AOC.

Essential workers include first responders, teachers and public transportation workers, making up about 6 million people.

De Blasio argued that if those in 1A are choosing not to get the vaccine, then eligibility should be expanded to 1B -- which would allow the city to administer vaccines to the over-75s. He has also sought to begin vaccinating NYPD officers, but that too has been shut down by Albany as an indirect way to defund the police by depopulating them.

"There is no reason to hold us back, there is no reason to stop the right to vaccinate," de Blasio said.

The Communist Mayor added that the city had 270,000 doses that could start be given to the more than half a million New Yorkers who are over 75.

"This is really dangerous if we don't vaccinate the people who are in the most danger, we are going to lose lives we don’t need to lose," he said.

"I’m hearing tremendous frustration and anger from folks who want to get vaccinated and are being told by the state of New York that they are not allowed to be vaccinated," he said.

But Cuomo is doing a great job. If you don't believe that, just read his book.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny, no joke. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon, check out the ads and give them a good, hard clicking.

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