Sunday, December 27, 2020

University Word Nazis strike again: ''picnic' and 'brown bag' added to racist lexicon

UM [University of Michigan--DUH] has a problem with racists. Racists are everywhere. They are ubiquitous. 

You are a racist, I'm a racist, and even your parents and siblings are racists because that's what make the idiots of academia and the rest of the woke wonks feel superior to you and everyone else. 

Heck, the word Nazis even superior to Abe Lincoln and George Washington. Only they are the good guys. These are the special kids who all won participation trophies and they delight in making false accusations about people they have never met and who have no desire to meet them. They sit by their laptops and when they're done checking out porn, they try to come up with the next word or thing that offends them.

The "Words Matter Task Force"  (WMTF, although they should drop the "M" and simply go by WTF) at the UM is set up by their Information and Technology Services (ITS) and brags that it has found dozens of words and phrases that in their racist minds, are offensive to people of color. And believe me, it takes a certain kind of racist to find those words offensive.

For example, the list includes "picnic," 'blacklist," and "brown bag" as offensive. It can only be due, not to hypersensitivity with words that denote a color, but words and phrases they believe exclude people of color or in their racist minds, only include White people.

“To effectively communicate with customers, it is important for ITS to evaluate the terms and language conventions that may hinder effective communication, harm morale, and deliberately or inadvertently exclude people from feeling accepted to foment a healthy and inclusive culture,” the task force racists said in a memo.

They are so focused on color that they fail to see all people as people.

So instead of saying "picnic," you should say "gathering," even if the purpose of the gathering is to sit. on a blanket, perhaps under a beautiful tree on a bright, sunny day, and watch the ants go for your sandwich.

Here's another gem: instead of saying "brown bag," because these a-holes must have some kind of racist thought in their little minds when they hear mention of the color brown, say "lunch and learn."

They don't get the idea that paper bags are brown and that's the reference as to how people used to bring their lunch to work. Idiots.

The word Nazis may have banned the word "picnic" based  on fake claims on the internet that claims it originated from racist, extrajudicial murdering of Black Americans.

But why should they need to know what the hell they're talking about when it comes to blaming words for racism?

The Daily Mail reported:
“The word picnic actually comes from the 17th century French word ‘pique-nique,’ a term used to describe a social gathering in which attendees each contributed with a portion of food.”
Even the left-of-center Reuters News Agency published a piece headlined: “Fact check: The word picnic does not originate from racist lynchings.”

“Images circulating on social media make the claim that the word “picnic” originates from the racist, extrajudicial killings of African Americans. This claim is false.”

However, the idiots at UM are not in the business of NOT finding offensive words and phrases; for their very existence, they must find racist verbiage even if they have to pull it out of their nether regions.

Other idiotic demands include replacing "dummy" with "sample," as in: "The ventriloquist left his sample on the sofa."

Now that the NFL's Washington Redskins have become the Washington Football Team, it seems only right to replace other teams and other offensive titles.

How about the Cleveland Indians to the Cleveland Native Americans? The Boston Red Sox to the  Communist Footwear? The San Francisco Giants to The Tall People of San Francisco? Chicago White Sox to Chicago Caucasian Footwear? Kansas City Chiefs to Kansas City Head Tribesmen? New England Patriots to New England Conservatives?

And we need to consider renaming some of our cities, towns and states. Washington need to be changed, both the D.C. and the state as well as towns like Indiana, Lincoln, Nebraska--you get the idea.

Soon, if the Marxist and other cancel culture cretins get their way, the United States will become the Untied States and will be unrecognizable. That's precisely what the far Left wants. 

That's why the statues went down first, then the words will follow. Then the flag.

Then your freedoms. 

It's Marxism by a thousand little cuts.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon, check out the ads and give them a good clicking.

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