Friday, December 25, 2020

AOC's district-- a likely loss for a seat in Congress

Democrats in Congress are afraid of the Honorable Rep. Alexandria Obviously-Comatose (D-NY) and will say nice things to her face, but when it comes to secret ballots, she's toast. Due to the record number of people leaving New York, AOC's district may lose a seat in the House before the 2022 elections. Her seat is the one the state's legislators are looking to drop.

AOC  is so disliked that in an internal battle of the Energy and Commerce Committee, she lost in a secret ballot to Rep. Kathleen Rice in a vote 46 - 13.

New York is number one in being the largest population exodus in the nation from July 2019 to July 2020.

Business Insider reports that  “126,000 people moved out of New York state,” and New York now leads the nation in population loss. “New York has been losing residents since 2016, according to the data, but this year was the most significant drop by far. The second biggest year-to-year population drop for the state this decade was between 2018 and 2019 when more than 80,000 people left the state,” BI reported.

Some believe the reason people are leaving is due to the COVID-19 screwup on NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, of the Cuomo Brothers Comedy Act on the Comedy News Network. Judges are still scratching their heads as to who they will select as the dumber brother, Andy or Chris, aka Fredo.

The truth is, however, New Yorkers have been leaving in droves for years, as the state keeps moving further to the Left.

Bloomberg reported that New York City  “was losing 376 residents per day to domestic migration in 2019 — an increase of more than 100 per day from the previous year — before it became the epicenter of the country’s virus outbreak in March this year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s latest survey of population shifts.”

Most New Yorkers don't have a great sense of direction, perhaps because of the easy-on-the-brain method of naming their streets. In Manhattan, the Streets go east to west and the numbers increase as you go north. The avenues go north to south, and are also numbered. In fact, Fifth Avenue is also Avenue of the Americas, but New Yorkers gave it a number because it's easier. The avenue numbers begin on the east side and increase going west. Of course there are avenues with names such as York Avenue, which is furthers east, but named avenues are expected to be memorized.

The sense of direction issue may be why many New Yorkers who move, don't often go very far, lest they get lost. The New York Post reports that “the post office received 295,103 change of address requests from March 1 through Oct. 31, according to data the Post obtained from the U.S. Postal Service under a Freedom of Information Act request. While many city dwellers decamped to Long Island, New Jersey, Westchester, and Connecticut, others scattered across the country.” The latter group may have the better sense of direction or just didn't care to be anywhere near a place where finding parking is like finding a four-leaf clover on Fifth Avenue.

So now the question remains, if AOC loses her seat, will she run for a different office or just go back to serving booze and wiping countertops.

The smart people hope for the latter.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon, check out the ads. Christmas is coming.

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