Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Convicted cop-killer appeals his life sentence as cruel and unusual due to age

Trenton Forster was a mere 18-years-old when he shot and killed Blake Snyder in 2016, who was 33 at the time his life was ended, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

Forster appealed the court's decision that he was to serve the remainder of his miserable life in prison as it is mandatory under Missouri law, however, the Missouri appeals court rejected the argument that it was cruel and unusual punishment due to Forster's age.

The state prohibits life sentences without parole for people younger than 18, so Forster, a murderer, was denied special treatment.

The Missouri Court of Appeals for the Eastern District disagreed that it was cruel and unusual. [Shooting a police officer seems to be crueler than life behind bars no matter what the age.] The court relied on a recent state Supreme Court ruling that rejected efforts to raise the age limit for life sentences without parole for those convicted of first-degree murder.

Forster killed Snyder as the officer approached his vehicle while responding to a disturbance call on Oct. 6, 2016. Forster was high on drugs and suicidal, prosecutors said. Other than that, he's a quiet, sweet kid who wouldn't harm a fly.

He was sentenced last year after being found guilty of killing Snyder and attempting to shoot at his partner.

Forster also claimed prejudicial evidence was introduced during his trial, including testimony from Snyder's wife, [who humanized her husband with an image of him in uniform] and his anti-police rhetoric from jail phone recordings. In other words, the truth of who this scumbag is prejudiced the case against him.

It's difficult to feel sorry for Forster, but if anything, the life sentence without parole is a gift. Snyder's partner could have ended his life but didn't pull the trigger. These are the stories the left doesn't tell. 

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon.

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