Friday, November 13, 2020

Biden's covidiots are like comic book villains

Joe Biden's COVID advisers are the Keystone Kops of Coronavirus. It feels as if Biden selected these people based on their intellect, which he made sure was even less than his. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea.

Take Mike Osterholm for starters. 

Mike, who is an epidemiologist he claims, thinks we should lock down the United States of America for six weeks--and he's the conservative dolt on the team. He firmly believes we should wait that long until a vaccine is developed and let the chips fall where they may regarding the economy. He thinks massive borrowing to pay those out of work folks is a good idea because he is an epidemiologist; not a freaking economist. 

Another genius who happens to be Rahm Emanuel's brother Ezekiel, [aka Doctor Death] thinks all people should be dead after they reach the age of 75. Emanuel's belief doesn't bother Joe Biden (the man who is not yet president elect) because he's only 77 and doesn't do well with numbers, especially large numbers.

Emanuel would also have the country shut down for at least 18 months in order to allow its total collapse and mass suicides, starvation, untreated illnesses and the onset of socialism, but at least a vaccine might be ready for mass distribution to Democrats up to the age of whatever Emanuel's age is. If a vaccine is still not ready by then, he's willing to wait until the virus dies of old age, or indefinitely if it comes to that.

The genius Emanuel projected there to be 100 million American cases by late April but alas, in mid-November, there have been a total of 10.5 million cases, and this is okay with Biden because as far as he sees, it was close because it's a lot of cases. 

Don't take any stock market advice from this guy.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon.

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