Saturday, November 14, 2020

Nikki Haley blasts Twitter for flagging her but not the Ayatollah's Holocaust denial

If you think Twitter isn't an advocate for the Democratic Party, you might be a Democrat or a hard Left lunatic. Of course it isn't only Twitter's platform that looks like an arm of the DNC, but they have stopped trying to hide it.

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley slammed the social media giant on Friday for flagging one of her tweets warning about the risks of ballot harvesting.

But Twitter didn't challenge a tweet from Iran’s leader casting doubt on the Holocaust. It's just about Jews, so no biggie for Twitter, I suppose.

Haley tweeted:
“Despite what the media tells us, election fraud does happen, and policies like ballot harvesting and mailing ballots to people who don’t request them makes it easier. That needs to stop,” 
The leftists at Twitter flagged her tweet with a warning label that said her claim about voter fraud is "disputed."

Can Twitter cite any political opinion that is not disputed? Just one. From either side of the aisle.

In response to Twitter's label, Haley then tweeted:
“Wow. When Iran’s Ayatollah says the Holocaust didn’t happen, Twitter doesn’t say ‘this claim is disputed.’ When I say ballot harvesting makes election fraud easier Twitter says that’s disputed. Wonder why conservatives don’t trust big tech?” 

Haley posted side-by-side pictures of a tweet of hers flagged by Twitter and a tweet by Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei left untouched.

Khamenei's Oct. 28 tweet, that pushed back over whether the Holocaust actually occurred, stated:
“The next question to ask is: why is it a crime to raise doubts about the Holocaust? Why should anyone who writes about such doubts be imprisoned while insulting the Prophet (pbuh) is allowed?” 

The Khamenei tweet was posted just minutes after CEO Jack "Shipwrecked" Dorsey was being questioned on the Ayatollah's Holocaust denialism in a hearing on Capitol Hill. Dorsey's weak, unbelievable response was that while election interference and voter suppression gets flagged on Twitter, his company hasn't made any policies covering Holocaust denialism.

So what Dorsey is implying is that every topic under the sun needs individual consideration before Twitter will flag it, unless the topic is political and Twitter needs to forward a narrative that complements the left's platform.

Thus, with this kind of thinking, anti-Semitic rhetoric can be broken down into many facets. One can be anti-Zionist and that will not be flagged by Twitter, but one cannot directly say anything directly anti-Semitic, because that's too obvious. Being pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah is okay with Twitter's flagging rules and they can say they haven't considered those issues yet.

Denying the Holocaust “is misleading information,” Dorsey said, “but we don’t have a policy against that type of misleading information.” 

Twitter has flagged President Trump plenty of times because they don't like what he says or don't want his messages to go out. 

Twitter should simply not flag anything unless it's threatening rhetoric. 

But who am I kidding? They're not Parler and they certainly do not believe in free speech.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon.

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