Monday, October 5, 2020

Chicago man charged with 14 felony burglaries for August BLM/Antifa looting spree

Ever notice how the people who say looting is okay or at least understandable don't own private businesses that have been looted or burned to the ground? We call those people anarchist apologists.

Lee Mitchell, 28, a Chicago resident, was arrested after allegedly looting several stores in downtown Chicago, where Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot presides. Mitchell was charged with 14 felony counts in connection with the crimes, police said Monday.

The arrest took place on Sunday prior to 9:30 a.m. The alleged scumcrumpet was charged with seven counts each of burglary and looting for allegedly ransacking stores in Chicago's Magnificent Mile on August 10th.

And Mitchell had company. He was one of hundreds who allegedly meandered through stores, some ransackers  arrived in "car caravans" and some even brought along U Hauls to load their wares.

A Chicago PD press release alleged that Mitchell  “entered multiple downtown retail stores and took merchandise from within.” The total value of the allegedly stolen merchandise has not yet been made public, but these are high-end stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and a Tesla dealership, so the destruction estimate will likely be quite high.

These anarchists use police shootings as excuses to loot, destroy and cause violence. And the rioting seems to be well-coordinated.

The Chicago-Sun-Times reported that Mitchell is expected to appear in court on Monday. If convicted, Mitchell should be out on the street in about an hour or so.

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