Monday, October 5, 2020

D.C. Mayor loses lawsuit filed by Baptist Church

The Department of Justice is backing a renown evangelical church in Washington, D.C. in a lawsuit filed against the city's Mayor Muriel Bowser. The Capitol Hill Baptist Church is the first in D.C. to sue "Frau Bowser" for allegedly applying the city's lockdown measurements on outdoor gatherings of more than 100 people unfairly to houses of worship.

Basically, the mayor has allowed protests of thousands to take place with no law enforcement intervention, but has forbidden houses of worship to gather outdoors in numbers greater than 100. 

The DOJ has now filed a “statement of interest” supporting the 850-member church, according to The Christian Post.

The statement reads:

“The Justice Department today filed a statement of interest in federal district court in Washington, D.C., arguing the Constitution and federal law require the District of Columbia to accommodate Capitol Hill Baptist Church’s effort to hold worship services outdoors, at least to the same extent the District of Columbia allows other forms of outdoor First Amendment activity, such as peaceful protests.” 

“The statement of interest was filed in Capitol Hill Baptist Church v. Bowser, a case challenging the District of Columbia’s refusal to allow outdoor worship because of the city’s COVID-19 restrictions. The suit challenges the permit denial under the Free Speech and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment, and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). The suit alleges that while places of worship are limited to 100 people at outdoor worship services, these limits do not apply to, among other things, outdoor protests and rallies accommodating thousands.”

The statement later stated, “The United States’ brief explains there is no constitutional or statutory basis for allowing protests and rallies attended by thousands of people, while at the same time silencing religious worship. The brief also explains the city bears a high burden of proof to justify its actions under the First Amendment and RFRA because its actions impose a ‘substantial burden’ on religious exercise, as the church has shown here.”

It is highly doubtful that Bowser has a reasonable explanation.

The Daily Wire wrote last week:
In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court, attorneys representing Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC) claimed that the District government is showing preferential treatment in how it enforces the repeatedly extended lockdown orders.
Claiming a violation of the First and Fifth Amendments, as well as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the suit pointed out that while they are forbidden from congregating even outdoors in excess of 100 people, Bowser herself has expressed public support for the recent mass protests in the District where tens of thousands gathered.
There have been repeated protests over the summer in which people gathered, protested, rioted, looted and even murdered, and there were no COVID-related consequences. In fact, except for extreme violence, there didn't appear to be any consequences as the Mayor herself attended the mass protest and said to the thousands in attendance,  ‘It’s so wonderful to see everyone peacefully protesting, wearing their masks.’”

Not so much for churches and synagogues.

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