Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Judge sets bail for Lancaster police shooting rioters

Lancaster, PA -- Thirteen Biden voters who are accused of criminal behavior while being part in a civil disturbance on Sunday night are in jail Tuesday. Of the thirteen in the slammer, seven of them had their bail set at $1 million.

Public documents on eight who have been charged are accused of instigating the demonstrations which predictably degenerated into rioting that seriously damaged Lancaster's police headquarters and produced an arson fire that closed off an intersection in the downtown area.

The shooting, which was the excuse for the demonstration, was of a man armed with a large knife in the act of attacking police, who appeared to be retreating to avoid violence, but as the man charged them he was shot once and died of his wound.

The police arrested five other individuals at the demonstration on similar charges, and they are awaiting to have their bail set. The baker's dozen of defendants range in age from 16 to 43 years, and live in Lancaster and nearby in Camp Hill, York and Mercersburg. 

None of the group arrested were Amish.

Charges differ among the eight whose documents were made public and vary from arson, rioting, institutional vandalism. One person was charged with carrying a concealed weapon without a permit.

The protests resulted from the shooting death by police of Ricardo Munoz, whose sister had called authorities in hopes of having him involuntarily committed for mental health treatment. 

Munoz has a criminal past and last year was arrested for slicing people with a knife as he appeared to attempt in this case. He had been out on bond, awaiting trial for allegations he stabbed four people last year, including a teenage boy who was stabbed in the face.
Munoz (R) leaping at officer with knife

Due to the recent rioting across the nation, police made public the officer’s body camera video, showing Munoz, 27, come toward the cop with the large knife, holding it menacingly over his head, before the officer defended himself. There appears to be no doubt whatsoever that this was a "good shooting" as it was in total self-defense. As mentioned above, the officer's body camera shows him moving away from the assailant until he had no choice but to shoot. 

In order to protect the officer and his wife and children from the rioters, his name has not been released.

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