Monday, July 13, 2020

The left tries to cancel Goya Foods after CEO complimented POTUS: big left loss

This is what amounts to a hill of beans
Remember how when the left wanted to boycott Chic-fil-A the right all went out to their local Chic-fil-A and stood in line just to get lunch? Remember how the left made the hashtag #BoycottGoya go viral?

Well, the same asshats who tried to cancel Chic-fil-A and got the opposite results, just got the same deal with Goya.

Thank you patriots.

Goya Foods appears to be headed toward the Chick-fil-A effect, a "buy-cott" where the more the left cancel culture hates it, the more conservatives buy it. This is beginning to look as if it's the case here.

After Goya CEO Robert Unanue’s expressed support for Trump, as he also did for Obama, and after the Left’s subsequent threats to boycott Goya, an Hispanic-owned company, customers have been buying their products as a counter-protest.

According to Fox Business, the “buy-cott” began when radio host Mike Opelka encouraged people on Twitter to buy up $10 worth of Goya Food products.

“My brother came up with a terrific idea and I am encouraging all to join me in purchasing $10 worth of Goya Foods products and donating them to your local food bank,” Opelka tweeted. “Let’s push a BUY-cott, not a boycott. Let’s show the #Goyaway people what compassion can do.”

Fox News host Mark Levin tweeted:
Go out today and buy your Goya foods
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow)
And Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) tweeted:
Most of these people fronting about a #GOYABOYCOTT either don’t use @GoyaFoods anyways
And most of the ones who do will cave by #NocheBuena
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) July 11, 2020
On Saturday, a GoFundMe was started to raise money to feed the hungry using Goya Food products; it has since amassed over $43,000 dollars.

“I’m not surprised we have raised so much because people are tired of having to walk on eggshells in political discourse,” Casey Harper, who started the GoFundMe, told FOX Business. “Also, Americans are fundamentally generous people, so a chance to feed the hungry and stand up to cancel culture was an easy win.”

The words that triggered the Left by Bob Unanue at the Rose Garden during his Hispanic prosperity initiative was: “We’re all truly blessed … to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder. We have an incredible builder, and we pray. We pray for our leadership, our president.”

Leftist heads exploded and tears flowed. How dare anyone say something nice about the American President. It was time for revenge for them. It was time for them to take down that Puerto Rican man and show him how to think right.

But they didn't and Unanue didn't apologize to those woke Marxists.

And of course, President Trump had to get into the act telling America, "I love Goya."

Consider following Brain Flushings, and remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

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