Saturday, July 18, 2020

Shootout in Arizona leaves 2 FBI agents wounded, suspect found dead

Two FBI special agents were serving a search warrant on an alleged serial bank robber at around 6 a.m. and were shot in the process at the scumcrumpet's home in Mesa, Arizona.

The suspect, Abraham Rivera, 49, was found deader than a doornail inside the home, according to FOX 10 in Phoenix.

"Come out with your hands up!" one of the agents could be heard yelling to the suspect on cell phone video of the incident, the outlet reported. "This is the FBI. We have a warrant."

That's when the gunfire started.

One agent was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries and has since been released and the other agent was treated for minor wounds at the scene, KPHO-TV of Phoenix reported.

"The FBI guy was down," witness Michael Scott [not to be confused with Michael Scott from "The Office"] told FOX 10. "He took off his jacket. He was all right. I think it went through his vest. He was bleeding."

So was he "all right?" Bleeding isn't usually associated with being all right.

The suspect, Rivera,  was accused in at least four bank robberies at three banks in the state since last year. According to Alexandria Obviously-Comatose, he just needed money to buy bread and Trump.

The circumstances of Rivera's death were not immediately confirmed but he definitely wasn't "all right."

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