Thursday, July 2, 2020

Harvard grad refuses to take responsibility for her words, guess who she blames

A Harvard graduate, Claire Janover, posted a video online Wednesday in which she says that she lost her job with the accounting firm Deloitte, after stupidly saying in a previous video that she would "stab" anyone who told her "all lives matter."

So for Janover, it's over for her at the prestigious company, but she apparently takes no responsibility for her hateful word, and is oblivious to the notion that words really matter and have consequences. Harvard should give her a refund because they have taught her nothing of true importance, obviously.

“Standing up for Black Lives Matter put me in a place online to be seen by millions of people,” Janover says in the tearful new video. As a result, “The job that I’d worked really hard to get and meant a lot to me has called me and fired me because of everything.”

No, young idiot. They fired you because your words could hurt their brand. They were smart; you, not so much.

Janover also says supporters of Trump shared in the blame for her losing the gig because nothing could ever be the fault of a Harvard graduate who threatens people's lives over their First Amendment rights.

“Trump supporters took my job away from me,” she stupidly says. “I have gotten death threats, rape threats, violent threats. It was OK, but now my future’s entirely compromised because Trump supporters have decided to come for my life.”

Well okay; death threats and rape threats are disgusting and place those who say such things in the same category as Ms. Janover. [May we call her "Ms" without clarifying to which genders she identifies?]

The graduate with a degree in government and psychology claims Deloitte let her go despite a company claim of standing “against systemic bias, racism and unequal treatment.”

So badmouthing the company had nothing to do with her firing, it was all about bad orange man's supporters. Sounds like mental calisthenics.

She also warns Trump supporters and Deloitte that she won’t be defeated by her personal defeat--something she learned to say in Psych 101.

“I’m too strong for you. I’m too strong for any of you ‘All Lives Matter,’ racist Trump supporters,” she says. “It sucks. But it doesn’t suck as much as systemic racism. And I’m not going to stop using my platform to advocate for it.”

She did not clarify which systems of racism she referenced. The Black Lives Matter crowd tends to keep that claim rather vague.

“I’m sorry, Deloitte, that you can’t see that,” she adds, taking another swipe at the company that preemptively released her in order to avoid swipes from employees who would likely make trouble for the company. “That you were cowardice [sic] enough to fight somebody who’s going to make an indelible change in the world and is going to have an impact.”

'Cowardice enough?' 

Janover’s LinkedIn account had listed her as an “incoming government and public business service analyst” at Deloitte, according to the New York Post.

In her original viral video, Janover had issued a warning to anyone with “the nerve, the sheer entitled Caucasity to say, ‘all lives matter.’” As if being white is somehow evil and white people are to blame for our immutable melanin levels.

“I’ma stab you,” she brilliantly said. “I’ma stab you, and while you’re struggling and bleeding out, I’ma show you my paper cut and say, ‘My cut matters, too.’”

Now can you see why Deloitte ditched her? She's really not smart, on so many levels.

She later claimed the clip was “clearly” an “analogous joke,” [emphasis on ANALogous].

“For legal reasons this is a joke,” she added after the fact. “And people are like reporting me for domestic terrorism, tagging the FBI, Harvard, Cambridge police.”

Maybe, like, you know, that's just another like, reason Deloitte sees you as trouble.

Your degree in government and psychology apparently taught you as much about those subjects as Alexandria Obviously-Comatose's degree taught her about economics.

Yes, Claire, all lives matter. Now you can go protest and riot at all hours and not worry about missing work.

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