Thursday, June 25, 2020

Al Sharptongue wants FBI to further probe NASCAR 'noose'--why was Bubba assigned a garage with a pull-rope

Whether it's a cop shooting a black suspect in self defense or a fake noose in a NASCAR garage that's actually a door pull rope, you know that race-baiter agitator Al Sharptongue will milk the situation for all he can pocket.

Now Sharptongue, a guy who threw gasoline on the 1991 Crown Heights riots in Brooklyn, after a Jewish orthodox rabbi accidentally struck two black kids with his car, killing one and injuring the other, is calling for further investigation by the FBI into the garage door pull-rope that Bubba Wallace believed was a noose. But Comey is gone and hopefully so too the politics of that agency, so the FBI is not likely to take Sharptongue seriously.

FUN FACT: For three days following the tragic incident in Crown Heights, rioting went on and many Jews were injured and one Jew from Australia was killed. Stores were looted in honor of the young black child killed and homes identified as Jewish by the mezuzot hanging on the front doors were damaged to honor the child. Many of the rioters were not from Crown Heights but heard that there was going to be a riot so they came prepared, throwing rocks and bottles and ironically chanting "No Justice, No Peace." By the third day of the riots, Sharptongue and Sonny Carson led a march through the area carrying anti-Semitic signs and burning an Israeli flag. By this time, 152 cops and 38 civilians were injured, 27 vehicles destroyed, 7 stores were looted or burned for justice and peace reasons, and 225 robberies and burglaries were committed, followed by 129 arrests. 

The good news is that Sharptongue ended up with an MSNBC gig and speaks as an expert on racial issues and he's doing just that in the Bubba Wallace non-incident in which a noose was NOT hanging from the garage door at the Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama, but someone said it was.

It turns out the pull-rope has been hanging on that garage door for about a year and was not placed there after Wallace, who is black, was assigned that garage stall long after the rope was put there.

But Sharptongue, ever looking for anything he can use to make a racial buck is now wondering why they assigned Bubba that garage in the first place. A good question might be: are there other garage doors that also have similar pull-ropes.

The idiot race-baiter-agitator is now trying to contend that the FBI botched it--perhaps because they're racist, but he isn't openly suggesting that--and the non-noose is not non but a non-non-noose, making it a noose and please pay Al as you leave the premises and he will leave you alone.

“It was a noose, so the question is even if they did not know that Bubba Wallace was going to use that stall, why was a noose in the stall?” Sharptongue said on MSNBC, suggesting Wallace’s assignment to the garage was marred by racial malice.

“I do not think we’ve seen closure in this particular inquiry,” he added, having just learned the word.

It was not a noose--it was a rope attached to the door so that people could get in or out depending on the direction they were traveling.

Big Al is a divisive, disgusting, racial hate monger who needs a racism narrative to stay in business. Kind of like the left in general. He should be up for a Nobel Peace Prize one day soon.

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