Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Dr. Fauci fakes right, goes left on COVID-19

Dr. Tony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is an expert on infectious diseases and allergies. But when it comes to U.S. law and institutional policies, his knowledge base apparently comes from "The View," or Slate magazine and he needs to not speak to those issues.

Fauci said on Tuesday that institutional racism is a contributing factor as to why black communities suffer significantly more than white communities during the pandemic.

By institutional racism, Fauci means . . . ? 

Okay, he never specifies what institutional racism is and where it exists, but the left keeps saying it does and Fauci is a Democrat, so it must be true. If only they wouldn't be so vague, conservatives would be happy to help them eradicate it, but they're never clear.

Fauci, who is on the White House coronavirus task force and needs his job,  defended the Trump administration after the president was criticized for suggesting at a Tulsa rally that the government should reduce testing so the number of recorded cases would be lower.

When Rep. Bobby Rush, (D-IL) asked, at a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing, if institutional racism was a factor in black communities being affected more than white communities, Fauci replied, “Yes,” in spite of not knowing specifically where it exists, other than being told that it does.

Which institutions have racist policies? Are there laws that do not protect minorities?

“Obviously the African-American community has suffered from racism for a very, very long period of time,” Fauci spitballed as he tried to sound woke. “And I cannot imagine that that has not contributed to the conditions that they find themselves in, economically and otherwise. So the answer, Congressman, is yes.”

He "cannot imagine that that has not contributed to the conditions." Sounds like a John Lennon song. Or perhaps Vladimir Lenin.

Fauci also gave other reasons for why minority communities may face a disproportionate impact. One was a greater risk of infection from work. I'll give him that, but what about the coworkers who aren't black? Have they been part of Fauci's calculation or is he still spitballing?

“Because of economic and other considerations, the jobs that the majority of them would find themselves in does not allow them to protect themselves by looking into a computer and doing telework,” he said without evaluating similar data of white people in lower economic conditions.

But finally he admits: 
“And then we know, from a lot of experience now, that the situation regarding whether or not you have serious consequences – hospitalizations, intubation, complications, and death – relate very strongly to the prevalence and incidence of underlying co-morbid conditions which are clearly disproportionately more expressed in the African-American population than in the rest of the population, and that particularly includes hypertension, diabetes, obesity, chronic lung disease, and kidney disease. So unfortunately we have a situation where it’s sort of a double whammy of a negative capability of them to respond through no fault of their own, because of underlying conditions.”
We are still waiting to hear about where systemic racism exists. Please tell us so we can put a complete halt to it. Your silence on this is violence, to put it in your terms.

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