Saturday, May 16, 2020

Mayor de Blasio still hasn't spoken to Health Commissioner about '2 rats' asses'

Barbot holds 2 rats' asses in her hand
New York City Democrat Mayor, Comrade Bill de Blasio [aka Warren Wilhelm] claims that he hasn’t spoken to  the city's Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot for several of days since making the remark that she doesn't "give two rats' asses about your cops" after they requested 500 thousand protective face masks to deal with the COVID-19 crisis in the city.

De Blasio claims he will speak with her over the weekend, but he often says one thing and does another, like the time he violated his own rule that folks should stay home unless they absolutely must go out, and then he went from Manhattan to his Brooklyn gym and also had gone to Prospect Park in Brooklyn at a later date for a walk with his wife.

Barbot's words about the NYPD are disgusting and inexcusable and with an attitude like hers, one cannot justify why she should remain in her position.  The NYPD have been and continue to be first responders directly involved with the public and among those most at risk. As of just a few days prior to this post, there have been 31 NYPD deaths from Covid-19. 

Barbot's insensitivity should be rewarded with a pink slip but de Blasio was never a big fan of the police so it's likely he will merely give her a symbolic slap on the wrist along with a wink and a nod.

The NYPD requested the 500 thousand masks back in March but Barbot said she could only offer 50 thousand, one tenth of what they needed. This was when she made her now infamous "I don't give two rats' asses" statement about "your cops, I need them for others," to Terence Monahan, NYPD Chief of Department.

The department eventually got 500,000 masks from the Department of Health’s stash after appealing to City Hall, no thanks to Barbot.

The cop unions are calling for her firing. Pat Lynch of the Police Benevolent Association also suggests she has to “look in the eye of every police family who lost a hero to this virus. Look them in the eye and tell them they aren’t worth a rat’s ass,” he said.

Barbot owes every one of the 55,000 cops and the families and loved ones of those who died from COVID-19 a public apology . . . and then she should be handed her walking papers.

If de Blasio can go days without talking to Dr. Barbot during the pandemic, how essential can she be?

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