Friday, May 15, 2020

AOC now claims Green New Deal would cost $0 if passed onnaconna it's a 'non-binding resolution of values'

The chances of you running into Rep. Alexandria Openly-Communist (D-NY) at a Mensa meeting is about the same as being struck by kryptonite at 1:03 p.m. on a Tuesday in July at Times Square during a snowstorm.

The former bartender argued on Thursday that her Green New Deal  would actually “costs us $0 if passed” because it is just a “non-binding resolution of values.”

So now it's non-binding.

The Democratic brain-trust had tweeted that billionaires needed to pay a "modest percent" of their earnings to fund infrastructure, public systems and hospitals, but didn't offer a reasonable explanation as to why this should be on their shoulders.

Jonah Hill, editor of The Dispatch tweeted back:
Man this is so dumb and dishonest. You could confiscate every penny held by every billionaire and multimillionaire in America and it wouldn't cover a fraction of your Green New Deal fantasy. 
Proving her disingenuous original claims about the GND, the socialist AOC replied:
“Hey there! Totally get it if you’ve never bothered to read the legislation you’re commenting so authoritatively on. The Green New Deal is a non-binding resolution of values. It does not have a price tag or CBO score and costs us $0 if passed.”
It doesn't have a price tag because the original cost calculation over a period of ten years came to about $93 TRILLION! The price tag was so huge that her BS GND got ZERO votes in the House on both sides of the aisle.

Her GND calls for a drastic, unrealistic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and is supposed to create millions of jobs and rebuild U.S. infrastructure by launching a 10-year mobilization phase to spur the transition to clean energy. The ultimate goal is net-zero global emissions by 2050 while China, India and Russia do whatever they want as they take over the global industrial economy.

The deal also includes a jobs guarantee plan that would provide “all people” in the U.S. a family-sustaining wage, family and medical leave, paid vacations and retirement security, and even income to those people who don't want to work--now there's a ticket for success.

Some Twitter users couldn't believe her balderdash defense. One user tweeted:
"The best defense @AOC could conjure up for her #GreenNewDisaster is that it’s actually useless."
Another posted:
"So it's just Legislative Virtue Signaling? How appropriate for your most famous accomplishment."
But the best response came from Manhattan Institute fellow Brian Reidl:
"She's saying ‘my legislation calling for a massive, WWII-size Green New Deal is actually free to taxpayers -- because calling for anything is just words, and words are free...we wouldn't do any of this.’”
Liberals and progressives keep electing idiots like AOC and Bernie Sanders, and these idiots keep hating on America while spending America's taxpayer dollars. These are the same people who call for an indefinite lockdown during the pandemic while they continue to rake in their salaries and can best afford to stay home in their taxpayer-funded abodes. 

It's really time to vote them out, but I know I'm preaching to the choir.

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