Friday, April 24, 2020

Queen of Michigan faces protests from disloyal peons

Michigan Queen Gretchen Whitmer's reign was being threatened by disgruntled peons protesting outside her castle on Thursday as she ruled that all in her queendom must stay locked up until the ides of May in their abodes, humble and otherwise.

The protest, dubbed "Operation Queen's Castle," showed an image of Queen Whitmer in her lavish crown.

“We wanted to send Gretchen Whitmer a message, we didn't want to surrender our liberties just for a little temporary safety,” Brian Pannebecker, who helped organize the protest, told the station.

The Queen's Michigan Legislature has schedule a special session for Friday, April 24th to created an oversight committee in which to review the Queen's Chinese Communist Wuhan Coronavirus orders in the hope of removing some of her ultra vires [not to be confused with an extreme virus] and possibly strip her of her self-proclaimed power.

Some have accused the 48-year-old Queen, a first-term Democrat, of abusing her position and overstepping her authority with a series of measures unrelated to the assuaging of the pandemic in her realm. For example, her April 9th revisions to her initial stay-at-home decree included bans on her subjects visiting their relatives and friends, or traveling to a second home. Her majesty even forbid the sales of furniture and gardening supplies, but still permitted the murder of the unborn and illogically declared it to be "life-sustaining" health care. 

Babies would disagree, if they lived long enough to acquire speech.

The Queen also declared that marijuana, lottery tickets and booze were "essential" but fishing in a motorized boat was forbidden as it is "nonessential." If you wanted to fish, you must use oars to get out on the water. In addition, lawn care and construction were declared by the Queen of Michigan as "nonessential."

Meanwhile, the Queen came under criticism after a no-bid coronavirus-related state contract was given to a prominent Democratic consultant who had previously wished death on the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. The twit said of Trump that he should "get coronavirus ASAP."

The Queen later admitted that the contract was awarded without adhering to normal [legal] protocols.

Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R-Levering), explained the point of Friday’s planned session in a Twitter message:
“The House & Senate will convene tomorrow to create a special oversight committee on COVID-19 to examine our government’s response,” he wrote. “Michigan needs to handle this pandemic seriously yet properly. It’s what the people deserve, and we will see that it happens.”
Currently, the Queendom of Michigan has over 35,200 confirmed cases of the communist virus and nearly 3,000 deaths.
The Queen anemically defended the decree she had issued saying, “I know it’s not easy, but the price of losing loved ones is what’s at stake," [and you will comply or pay the price of disobeying me].

Hopefully this and other petty tyrannies will be challenged by us peons.

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