Sunday, April 26, 2020

NYC Mayor Comrade de Blasio appoints Mrs. de Blasio as head of coronavirus racial inequality task force

The one thing all Communists love is acquiring "the people's" money. In this case, it's the people of New York's tax money to pay for Comrade Bill de Blasio's wife in her husband-appointed position as head of a new racial inequality task force.

The incompetent and wildly hypocritical Mayor, when he isn't disregarding his own orders, like not go to the gym, isn't letting little things get in his way, such as the controversy surrounding his wife's embattled billion-dollar mental-health initiative, or the fact that there are rumors she's vying for Brooklyn borough president.

Citing her work with the ThriveNYC initiative, the tall empty suit who pretends to be a mayor revealed Sunday that his wife Chirlane McCray would co-chair a Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity as the city plans its eventual reopening. Such a task force would create meetings, and a place where the minutes are taken and the hours are lost.

Her qualifications are that she is black and is married to de Blasio and likes to throw money at problems and keep some for herself.

“The economic and racial disparities that have been made so clear by this crisis, we knew about them before,” said the moron known as de Blasio, but whose real name is Warren Wilhelm, Jr.

The idiot was elected six years ago based on a pledge to make the city more equitable and eliminate its “tale of two cities.” But to paraphrase Dickens, it's still the worst of times with de Blasio at the helm.

New York’s poorest ZIP codes have been hardest hit by pandemic, city data show, and minorities — many among the city’s essential workers — have died at disproportionately high rates, in part by de Blasio's mishandling of the crisis, and also due to certain cultural predispositions to the virus.

De Blasio said he formed the task force in part, to ensure New York’s underdogs aren’t left behind in the recovery, and it also gets his wife off his back and allows her to bring in a few bucks.

City lawmakers on both sides of the aisle were dumbfounded over de Blasio's appointment of his equally incompetent wife, as noted in her signature Thrive program, which was criticized as a billion-dollar money pit with a dubious record of results.

“Chirlane doesn’t have an impressive track record running task forces or agencies,” said Councilman Joe Borelli (R-SI), in fact, she kind of stinks at these sort of things. Borelli has frequently sparred with the Mayor's office over Thrive’s alleged lack of helping the NYPD and their spate of 'suicide by cops.'

“This is too serious an issue to use it as profile raiser,” Borelli added, referring to her clear political aspirations.

Councilman Robert Holden said the appointment stinks of political calculation by the Communist Mayor to increase McCray’s visibility ahead of a widely rumored run for Brooklyn borough president.

“This is political. I wish de Blasio would stop doing this,” said Holden, a Queens Democrat. “Let her win the Brooklyn borough presidency on her own merits," or total lack thereof.

“Her track record on Thrive and the statue commission hasn’t been so good,” he added, referring to another of McCray’s negative incursion into the spotlight.

During the city’s search for women to memorialize with public monuments last year, McCray sparked outrage by vetoing a public poll’s top choice for the honor — the sainted Italian-American nun Mother Cabrini. She apparently wanted a more colorful individual. And besides, Mother Cabrini already has a Manhattan hospital named after her.

“ ‘Putting @NYCFirstLady in charge of the newly created task force on racial inclusion and equity is a great idea,’ -said No One Ever,” Councilman Eric Ulrich (R-Queens) tweeted Sunday. “By the way, what ever happened to all that money for ThriveNYC?”

The initiative has been beset for years by criticism over its 10-digit price-tag and failure to make appreciable headway in helping New York’s mentally ill, which would likely include some of the people who started the initiative.

"Every time New York City has faced a crisis, it's come back stronger. That's who we are. We will work together and build something better and fairer," de Blasio tweeted on Sunday. He also believes that putting a cigarette out on a rug, makes the rug stronger and more resilient, because, as previously mentioned, he is a schmuck and the worst mayor in the history of the world.

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