Sunday, March 1, 2020

More Muslims rape gang scumwafers sentenced for raping children in UK

The UK calls Muslim terrorists "Asians" because they don't want any trouble.

That reminds me of the lunatic thinking of Uncle Harry.

Harry and Rose had a French poodle named Tammy. One day Aunt Rose was walking the little dog for its afternoon poop along the streets of Brooklyn. Unfortunately, Rose let out too much leash and Tammy walked toward the middle of the road and was run over by a car and died on the scene.

It was a very sad time because my Aunt Rose loved that noisy little critter.

A few years went by and one day a notice came in the mail from the City of New York stating that it was time for Tammy's dog license to be renewed. Harry showed the letter to Rose and began to write a check to cover the license fee for the dead dog.

"What are you doing, Harry?" she asked him as he tore off the check for the fee.

"They want the money, Rose. I'm sending them the fee."

"Harry, the dog is dead."

"Look, I don't want any trouble," Harry said and put the check in an envelope.

And that's the UK way of thinking too. They worry that calling Islamic terrorism by its proper description will somehow anger the terrorists even more and cause them trouble.

Listen, terrorists don't need an excuse to carry out their evil. It's how they roll. And the UK is still going to have to deal with Muslim rape gangs and blatant terrorist attacks mainly by Muslim extremists.

In Huddersfield, England, seven men have been sentenced for raping girls aged 13 and 14 and they should be castrated and/or executed. Period.

But believe it or not, there's a Labour MP Naz Shah [a Muslim, by the way] whose tweet  said that victims of these rape gangs should "shut up for the good of diversity." Really.

Only four of the seven convicted men were named in a West Yorkshire Police statement on the sentencing, with another remaining anonymous for undisclosed reasons — possibly because they are involved in further cases which are subject to reporting restrictions.

Or perhaps they're members of the Labour Party.

The sentences for the four men who were named and listed by West Yorkshire Police are:
Usman Ali (34) of Park Drive, Huddersfield, who was sentenced to eight years in custody after being found guilty of two offences of rape against one victim 
Gul Riaz (43) of Balmoral Avenue, Huddersfield, was sentenced to 15 years after being found guilty of an offence of rape and two indecent assaults against one victim and a rape offence against the other 
Banaras Hussain (39) of Scarborough Road, Shipley, was sentenced to nine and a half years after being found guilty of an offence of rape against one victim 
Abdul Majid (36) of Lightcliffe Road, Huddersfield was sentenced to 11 years after being found guilty of two offences of rape against one victim…
And then there are the other three whose names remain anonymous.

Uncle Harry would have been proud of the UK for not making any waves.

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