Sunday, February 23, 2020

CNN host has verbal kerfuffle with socialist Bernie Sanders surrogate

Even the Communist News Network (CNN) is apparently uncomfortable with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a socialist, as POTUS. Nina Turner, a surrogate mouthpiece for the old commie, got into a hot exchange with CNN's Brooke Baldwin over a question about socialism and the public's distaste for it.

"There was just new polling," said the semi-pretty Baldwin, "because I think we do care about what the electorate thinks. There's this new Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll that found that two-thirds of the respondents said that they were actually uncomfortable with a socialist president."

The idea that the public would not feel comfortable voting for a socialist who would take away private health care, confiscate private business and people's wages in astronomical tax increases, weaken the economy with the laughable Green New Deal proposed by a woman who should have remained a bartender, must scare the bejeezus out of the left. 

Four more years of lower unemployment among all minority groups, lower taxes, a strong military, law enforcement able to do its job, and a fair immigration system scares the crap out of the left. It means fewer illegal Democratic voters.

"Well, when you break it down, Brooke," responded Turner, "you know Shakespeare once said, 'What's in a name? A rose by any other name smells just as sweet.' What is democratic socialism? It is government of the people, by the people, and for the people." She was referring to the word "socialist." The argument she was trying to make was as weak as Sanders' heart muscle. Socialism isn't just a word--it's an immoral government takeover of all the means of production, and to do that, you must use lethal force as history has frequently taught those of us who were paying attention.

"Nina, I appreciate Shakespeare just as much as you do!" interrupted Baldwin. "I had a role in Macbeth, way back in the day, but I am talking about this particular poll, and I want an answer on the fact that the majority of America is not comfortable with a socialist president."

"He is a democratic socialist," Turner corrected, without delineating the distinction nor did Baldwin ask. Turner continued, "and the majority of the American people, let me tell you what they comfortable with, they comfortable with Medicare for All, they're comfortable with college for all." But we are not comfortable with the lack of any plan to pay for all of Santa Sanders' gifts, nor how that's fair to those who have private insurance and who have already paid for our college tuition.

"Nina, you keep pivoting, you gotta answer the question!" demanded Baldwin.

"No, I'm not! I'm answering the question!" Turner lied. "I might not answer it the way you want me to answer it, but I am answering the question."

Turner went on to accuse "some people" of trying to "demonize" the word socialism and claimed that polling could be manipulated.

Socialism should be demonized. Socialism sucks. All it does, beside ruining economies and killing people, is to enrich the power elite. It pretends to be charity when all the time it's theft and a kick in the groin to innovation, self-determination and a free exchange of goods and services via mutual agreements.

If heaven forbid Sanders is elected President, the country will erode and become like every socialist nation before it. No, not the Scandinavian countries that Sanders pretends are socialist--even they deny that claim because of their free market system and private ownership of industry--more like Venezuela. 

Remember, it wasn't long ago that Sanders praised Venezuela and its president/dictator Nicolas Maduro. You can't even find a roll of toilet paper there now. And this was one of the richest countries in the world with their oil deposits. 

Not to be an alarmist, but Bernie Sanders is not a sweet old man--he's dangerous and has made it clear when honeymooning in Russia during the Cold War, that he despises the United States. 

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