Saturday, January 11, 2020

Iranians call out: "Death to Liars!" demanding resignation of Ayatollah over downing of plane

Tehran -- The chants in Iran changed from "Death to America!" "Death to Israel!" to "Death to Liars!" as thousands took to the streets Saturday night to protest the government that lied to them about the downing of the Ukrainian passenger plane by Iran that killed all of the 176 souls on board.

Protesters demanded the resignation of their dictator and spiritual terrorist Ayatollah Ali Khamenei after their government lied to the citizens and the world that they were not responsible for the downing of the plane that they later admitted the shot down "by mistake."

The Daily Mail reported:
“Angry crowds gathered on Saturday night in at least four locations in Tehran, chanting ‘death to liars’ and calling for the country’s supreme leader to step down over the tragic military blunder, video from the scene shows. “‘Death to the Islamic Republic’ protesters chanted, as the regime’s paramilitary security force allegedly used ambulances to sneak heavily armed paramilitary police into the middle of crowds to disperse the demonstration.”
Reuters reported that the protesters were also calling out for “Death to the dictator,” which was a direct reference to Khamenei.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted:
The voice of the Iranian people is clear. They are fed up with the regime’s lies, corruption, ineptitude, and brutality of the IRGC under @khamenei_ir's kleptocracy. We stand with the Iranian people who deserve a better future.
Another person who videoed the scene also tweeted:
“So many years, so many crimes, death to the Islamic Republic.” Tehran, #Iran.
— Alireza Nader (@AlirezaNader) January 11, 2020

The Boeing 737 owned by Ukraine, was shot down on Tuesday after Iran fired numerous missiles at U.S. forces stationed in Iraq in retaliation for the U.S. military killing IRGC-Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani, who was responsible for murdering hundreds of U.S. soldiers.

Some Democrats tried to blame the incompetence of Iran on President Trump and have used disgusting rhetoric and twisted logic to do so. Pete Buttigieg, a far-left poser as a moderate used the "butterfly effect" logic to blame Trump by saying that if he hadn't killed the terrorist, the Iranians wouldn't have shot down the plane.

If car companies didn't make cars, people wouldn't die on the roads.

It's disgusting and treasonous as I see it to take the blame from the terrorist country of Iran and place it on our president who lawfully removed an obvious threat to human life from the face of the Earth.

Of course, Buttigieg isn't alone in his disgusting unpatriotic rhetoric. The rest of the Democratic clowns campaigning for president also blamed Trump, including Communist Bernie Sanders and his fangirl socialist Alexandria Obviously-Comatose.

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