Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Trump attacks Jewish worshipers throughout USA--NOT!

It doesn't matter that his daughter is married to an Orthodox Jew and converted to his religion. It doesn't matter that he is the only president to live up to the promise that he would make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Whenever there is an anti-Semitic attack in the United States, it's President Donald Trump's fault. He alone is responsible for the violent behavior of others.

When Democrats use anti-Semitic attacks for their political benefit, this dilutes the seriousness of the problem in the United States and the world.

Several feckless leftists jump like rabbits to point fingers at Trump, which distracts us from the blatant anti-Semitism from their own party such as that demonstrated by Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (IL).

While neither fringe on either side of the aisle are blameless when it comes to anti-Semitic sentiment, it has almost come to the point on the left where it has become normalized. It isn't always obvious to those who don't follow such events, but the hatred for Israel, not for its politics, and for the support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement of Israeli products, are clearly anti-Semitic in spite of their denials. 

Rep. Eric "Pffft" Swalwell, (D-CA) without any evidence other than his feelings blamed President Trump for the rise in anti-Semitism in the country. The congressman with the coffee cup butt tweeted:
"Anti-Semitism is on the rise in America. And it’s being stoked by @realDonaldTrump who won’t condemn it and Trump’s lawyer, @RudyGiuliani, who just this week said he’s 'more Jewish than Soros.'"
Ilhan Omar, the disgusting anti-Semite who, in the past, has tweeted messages about Israel that were criticized as including anti-Semitic tropes, retweeted Swalwell's post, possibly as an "in joke" with Tlaib.

The truth is, Trump has condemned anti-Semitism and has spoken out against the Monsey, NY attack that wounded five Jewish worshipers. He has spoken out in the past about anti-Semitism. Swalwell is not only a gasbag, he's also a liar.

"We must all come together to fight, confront, and eradicate the evil scourge of anti-Semitism," Trump said, calling it what it is, rather than confusing the message by simply referring to it as domestic terrorism, as the leftist Governor of NY Andrew Cuomo did.

Trump even condemned anti-Semitism after the 2018 mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. He said that "anti-Semitism and the widespread persecution of Jews represents one of the ugliest and darkest features of human history."

He didn't say "hatred and the persecution of Muslims, Christians and Jews," he called it for what it was.

He also signed an executive order this month that cuts federal funding of colleges and universities that allow anti-Semitism to go unchecked on campus.

"This is my message to universities," Trump said during a Hanukkah reception at the White House. "If you want to accept the tremendous amount of federal funding you get every year, you must reject anti-Semitism."

Columbia University has yet to comply. But they, along with a number of other prestigious schools, quietly get money from Saudi Arabia, so they probably don't care.

Rashida Tlaib, who supports the anti-Semitic BDS movement against Israel,  responded to Saturday's attack with a non-political tweet lamenting the violence and hatred, then followed it up with a message blaming the president.

"He fuels people's anger & misguided hate. Instead of leading with compassion, he simply gaslights and laughs about it," Tlaib said. She doesn't fuel anger herself, in spite of her saying when she was elected, that they were "going to impeach the motherf****r," referring to Trump.

After a shooting at a kosher supermarket in Jersey City earlier this month, the anti-Semite Tlaib tweeted "This is heartbreaking. White supremacy kills," but she forgot to check and learn that the suspects were black. Oops. She later deleted the post.

Journalist Mairav Zonszein directly linked the recent violence to Trump, again, using her feelings of hatred for the president as evidence for her empty claim.

"Just to be clear, I hold the Trump White House directly responsible for the increasing violent attacks on Orthodox Jewish people in America," she mindlessly said.

I hold Mairav Zonszein directly responsible for the murder of Jeffrey Epstein and I have as much evidence as she has.

At least one Democrat, who actually has skin in the game as an Orthodox Jew, former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, accused his own party of having blinders on when it comes to attacks against the Jewish people.

"Within the Democratic Party there’s a double standard. The hate, the anti-Semitism that emanates from within the left, you don’t hear anything, you hear very little," Hikind told Fox News on Monday morning. "The mayor of the city of New York has continued to call the hate coming from the right. All the hate in New York is coming from the left."

And there actually is proof of that statement when you look at who is getting caught perpetrating anti-Semitic violence. But the media spikes these stories because it doesn't fit their agenda when it isn't white supremacists who are committing the violence.

Okay, there is no proof of the political affiliations of the suspects in the recent anti-Semitic attacks, but when idiots like Tlaib call black suspects "white supremacists," you are hearing the babblings of the lunatic left.

New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz spoke at a "Fox & Friends" appearance and called out Democrats like de Blasio for refusing to acknowledge bigotry in their own party.

“When you can’t face a problem, when you don’t take it seriously, it ends up growing, and that’s what we’ve really seen in New York," she said.

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