Thursday, October 3, 2019

Rashida Tlaib believes all white people can't tell the difference between black people

She's an idiot, a racist and a flaming anti-Semite: the untalented, not very repulsive looking Rashida Tlaib, the Democrat congresswoman from Michigan. She has shown her true colors by stereotyping all white people by claiming we cannot differentiate black people from one another and saying that only black folks should be hired as facial recognition analysts.

That would be considered outrageous if the shoe was on the other foot, but she is able to get away with her crap because she's a Palestinian-American and as such, she is also allowed to hate Israel and the Jews that live therein.

Tlaib's hairbrained suggestion came Monday during a tour of the Detroit Police Department's Real Time Crime Center, where the department uses facial recognition technology to locate suspects.

Police Chief James Craig was showing the Democratic racist how the software works, and how analysts use it to identify and locate individuals. The department had naively extended the invitation to her after she tweeted them, calling facial recognition technology "bulls**t." This is the same potty-mouth repugnant person who called the President a "motherf*****r."

"Analysts need to be African-Americans, not people that are not," Tlaib said. "It's true, I think non-African-Americans think African-Americans all look the same!"

She was speaking for herself--she stereotypes all African-Americans and obviously believes they all look the same. She also doesn't understand how facial recognition equipment works--it has nothing to do with the analyst.

But does Tlaib also believe that black analysts are better able to distinguish Asian people and white people better than an Asian and white analyst? I suspect she hasn't even given it a thought, but pandering to the African-American community is how she hopes to win in 2020.

Tlaib cited instances where she witnessed people confuse Reps. John Lewis, (D-GA), and Elijah Cummings, (D-MD).

Tlaib also claimed that "the error rate among African-Americans, especially women," was 60 percent.

In an appearance on "Fox & Friends: First" with co-hosts Jillian Mele and Rob Schmitt, Craig refuted the freshman congresswoman's silly claims.

"It's a software. It's biometrics," he said. "And, to put race in it ... we're talking about trained professionals. My staff goes through intense training with the FBI, and so they're not looking at race but it's measurements. We were appalled when she made this statement," the police chief said of the racist congresswoman.

"We even put her in the seat of an analyst so she could understand how it works!" Craig exclaimed. "And, she was somewhat resistant. Not really interested. But, it was important for me to invite her in after she made her initial comments. So, at least she could learn something about how we use it and maybe have a great appreciation for it."

It isn't surprising that she wasn't really interested. She is only interested in making outrageous statements that will get her ugly face in the media.

The "Squad" member's tour was recorded and posted by a reporter with The Detroit News.

The Detroit News reporter followed up Tlaib's assertion that only black people should be hired to use the software, asking: "Are you saying white people are not qualified to--?"

And Tlaib cut him off: "No, I think there's actually been studies out that it's hard for, you know, like African-Americans would identify African-Americans, similar, Latino same thing."

"This is a double standard," Craig told Mele and Schmitt. "If I had made the exact same comment, they would've been calling for my resignation and she would have been leading that charge. That's a fact."

"We know [there are] flaws in the technology. We've addressed that through the rigorous system that we have in place. So, we have a modeled approach on how we use this technology very effectively," Craig said.

Hopefully, racists like Tlaib and the other members of the so-called "Squad," will be primaried out of office next year. The are hateful, stupid people who have no business be in public office.

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