Sunday, October 6, 2019

Jihadi Jack seen on TV in Syrian jail by his mommy and daddy

He has lost a lot of weight and was seen lying on a dirty floor in an overcrowded jail in northern Syria. His name is Jack Letts, and he comes from merry old England. But he left his country to join Islamic State (ISIS) in the hopes of beheading infidels and maybe even burning captured prisoners. Unfortunately for him, he became the captured prisoner and will not be burning or beheading anyone in the future.

They call him "Jihadi Jack," and he was seen in an orange jumpsuit along with a group of fellow scumcrumpets with the same religious leanings, on the telly, as they refer to the boob tube in Britain. He and his colleagues from hell were captured by Kurdish militia. [H/T Daily Mail]

Jihadi Jack is a 23-year-old Muslim convert from Oxfordshire. He brilliantly declared himself an "enemy of Britain" and secreted off to the Middle East to join ISIS and kill some Christians and atheists. He was rightfully stripped of his UK citizenship and this, not his intentions of killing, have his mommy and daddy upset.

This week, Jihadi Jack's mother Sally Lane pleaded to let Letts  return and face trial in Britain so that he can be rescued from the conditions in which he is being held: a dirty toilet that frequently gets stuffed up; only lukewarm water to wash with; a Koran that was handed by an unclean kuffar; 35 fellow farting cellmates; and hospital-style food.

The Home Office has dismissed her plea.

Seeing the first images of Letts in his cell since he was taken prisoner two years ago, she told The Daily Mail on Sunday: 'It's heart-rending to see your son like this and to feel so completely powerless."

It's also heart-rending to watch a group of Christians tied up and marched onto a beach and then have their heads cut off.

"We have been pressing the Red Cross for months to tell us what the jail is really like, but they always refuse, saying that to release this information would jeopardise their access," his mother said.

Syria reassured her that in spite of the jail sucking as it does, it is still better than the jail a Jordanian pilot was locked in and then set on fire by Letts' colleagues several years ago.

Letts left his middle-class life to join ISIS in 2014 but now that he was captured he denies ever being a fighter. He denounced ISIS as "un-Islamic" in social media posts and escaped Raqqa, the caliphate's capital in May 2017.

He denies ever being a fighter. After denouncing IS as 'un-Islamic' in social media posts, he managed to escape from the caliphate's capital Raqqa in May 2017.

Since then he has been held by the Kurdish YPG militia at the prison in the photos – believed to be in the city of Qamishli. He has not been charged or put on trial.

Sally and her husband, organic farmer John Letts, were convicted at the Old Bailey in June of supporting terrorism by sending Jack £223 in 2015, and found not guilty for trying to wire him a further £1,500 to pay a people smuggler to try to get him out.

They were given suspended sentences, so screw them and their pleas.

In one of his last acts as Home Secretary, Chancellor Sajid Javid revoked Jack's UK citizenship earlier this year. Letts is still a citizen of Canada, where his father comes from, eh.

Sally, 57, spotted her son Jihadi Jack in the photo last week, after the Kurds allowed TV stations on both sides of the Atlantic to broadcast film from the jail.

"He said in his last letter he was never allowed out or to see the sun, and we must assume that must be true as well," Sally said.

Perhaps he shouldn't have joined ISIS with the plan to kill unbelievers and spread Islam throughout the world.

John, 58, added: "It's very difficult to see a photo of the son you love, and took care of for 18 years, sleeping half-naked on a concrete floor crammed in a room with so many others, equally emaciated and suffering. Is this really the best way for our democracy to deal with this issue?"

Well, it may serve as a deterrent for other wannabe terrorists.

Tory MP Crispin Blunt, a former chairman of the Commons Select Committee on Foreign Affairs, visited the prison last month and met Jihadi Jack. They couldn't speak openly because the prison governor was sitting next to them, but Blunt confirmed the prison conditions did indeed suck as the photos suggested.

Blunt said the thousands of ISIS captives imposed an "intolerable burden" on the Kurds, the folks who had done most of the dying in achieving victory of ISIS, but he bluntly admitted that they had limited resources and said it was time to allow the crap weasels to return to their home countries. He also believes the UK should not have removed citizenship from them, but that's because he has a soft spot for militants.

However, there was no sign that the images from the prison might persuade Home Secretary Priti Patel to change her policy.

A Home Office source said:
"Jihadi Jack signed up to join people who hate this country, hate our beliefs and hate our way of life.

"His parents, who have been convicted of funding terrorism by the British courts, are wasting their breath. Law-abiding Brits will think he's got off easy in that squalid prison. The thousands of victims of Jack's terrorist friends weren't that lucky."
Canada's government also has a policy of refusing to allow ISIS detainees to return home. Letts' parents are hoping to launch a joint legal action to challenge this with other families in the same position.

This week, security sources revealed that more than 60 British jihadis are languishing in Kurdish custody in northern Syria, their numbers equally split between men and women. Officials believe that many of them are battle-hardened jihadis and are quite dangerous to national security.

These include El-Shafee Elsheikh, 31, and Alexanda Kotey, 35, members of a gang of British terrorists known as the Beatles, who imprisoned, tortured and beheaded Western hostages.

The most infamous of the group was Mohammed Emwazi, also known as Jihadi John, who beheaded at least five Western hostages, including two Britons, in front of the camera. He was blown away by drone and is currently up to his eyeballs in virgins.

Some of the others, particularly the women, are pleading to come back to the UK and are very sorry for all the killings and beheadings and burnings and such.

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