Thursday, September 12, 2019

Beto and his f***ing dirty mouth

As a child, he may have had his dirty mouth washed out with soap by his mother, or punished for his vulgar language by a strict father, but now Robert Francis O'Rourke [who goes by "Beto" in order to secure the illegal immigrant vote] uses expletives like they were chocolates from Forrest Gump's momma. Hopefully, Democrats with young children, or even older children, will demand the kids leave the room when Beto and other Democrats speak on TV.

The edgy, arm-flapping, failed Senate candidate from Texas spoke about gun violence at a campaign stop in Roxbury, a Boston neighborhood. He spoke to the onlookers in English, although he is known to throw around some broken Espagnole.

When a supporter shouted, “This is f**ked up,” O'Rourke, not to be out-vulgared, immediately echoed the sentiment. “This is f**ked up,” he said. “That is the term of art for it.”

The phrase virtually has become a Beto campaign rallying cry on the subject, in the same vein as the Trump campaign's "build the wall" or the traditional "four more years." His team is even selling shirts emblazoned with the slogan: "America is F**ked Up!"

The obscene language is certainly not unique to SeƱor Beto. Democratic hopefuls seem to be engaged in a pissing contest over who has the dirtiest mouth, whether it's simply inter-party competition or a response to Trump. But they sound like staff at a whorehouse verbally attacking a group of sailors who refuse to pay full price.

Most likely, this is simply their way of getting attention and perhaps being thought of as edgy and cool. Yeah, they're about as edgy as a melted snowflake.

Beto tried to explain his use of gutter terms. “I mean s**t, I just tried to speak as f**king honestly as I can,” the skateboarding non-senator explained. “And the filthy language that my fellow Americans use when they're talking about s**t. You know, issues that are most important to them,” he added, revealing that what he means is that he needs to use tasteless verbiage becauses anyone who would vote for him has to be an a**h*** with a mouth like a Calcutta sewer and a brain like a 29-year-old Democratic Bronx congresswoman.

Other Democrats have also used coarse language. Communist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) used the term "damn legislation" and Sen. Cory "Crazy Eyes" Booker said "bulls**t" when speaking about gun violence.

Some political scientists believe Trump may have opened the damned floodgates for this kind of rhetoric back in 2016, using the "S" word several times at his campaign rallies.

“It’s intended to be jarring, I think part of the point of doing it is that it’s supposed to be alarmist and it’s supposed to be an awakening ... the candidates are trying to get your attention and it often works,” said University of Houston political science professor Brandon Rottinghaus.

Because people are more interested in the presentation of how you say it, than the utility, veracity and credibility of what is said.

So far, there hasn’t been much pushback to elevate campaign speech from the other candidates. The ‘you-do-you’ advice seems to be the most common response.

“I swore on Comedy Central this week. You know, look, people should be whoever they are,” Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D) said, citing his rhetoric: "I don't give a cocky from the tooley what you think."

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