Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Potty mouth Beto capitalizes on El Paso massacre

The mass shooting in El Peso, Texas that killed 22 and wounded 40 people was Robert Francis O'Rourke's [aka Beto] golden opportunity to show self-righteous indignation and propel him up the chart, the only direction he could go, for his candidacy in the 2020 presidential election.

Almost overnight, O'Rourke has moved up from being an also-ran far-left presidential candidate languishing in the low single digits into a loser who finds himself at the center of a national tragedy.e

With 22 people (many of them, to his benefit, were Hispanic) shot dead by a white nationalist in his hometown and his Democratic rivals all weighing in on gun control and domestic terrorism, the former Texas congressman, and Senate loser to Ted Cruz, made sure to not let a tragedy go to waste.

After a vigil on Sunday, O’Rourke, who pulled out a nose hair and choked back tears before flying back to the border town, expressed exasperation at being asked if there is anything that President Trump could do to make the situation better.

“What do you think? You know the sh*t he’s been saying. He’s been calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. Like, members of the press, what the f*ck?” O’Rourke said. The misquoted clip quickly went viral because anyone who would vote for him would believe anything he says.

On Monday, he said: “The only modern Western democracy that I can think of that said anything close to this is the Third Reich, Nazi Germany," minimizing the slaughter of millions of Jews at the hand of Hitler by making such a blatantly false comparison. When everything Trump says of does is "Hitleresque," everyone with one functional brain neuron knows it's bullcrap.

O'Rourke had the opportunity to actually bring the country together--that might have earned him well-deserved support--but he did what the left has been doing a lot more than the right [who are not totally innocent either] and that is divide the country, continue with the tribe mentality and basically continue the approach of Barack Obama.

Beto isn't a loser because people prefer the other candidate as much as they deplore his disingenuous shenanigans. He isn't even really Beto. He's really kind of a flailing-armed dufus in a blue shirt using swear words to sound edgy and real.

“Beto is looking better and better as a candidate. His honest expression of frustration. His clear eyed analysis of what is happening. That impressed us,” MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski said on Monday.

So which expression is Mika's "honest expression"? The one where she and her husband Joe Scarborough endorsed Donald Trump in 2016 with Joe admitting he'd be glad to be Trump's running mate, or the "honest expression" she expresses now?

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