Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hezbollah planning 'calculated strike' against Israel not intended to start war

Hezbollah is Arabic for "Party of Allah." It is a Shi'a Islamic group founded in the early 1980s as an Iranian effort to coalesce a variety of jihadi Lebanese Shi'a groups and unify them into one organization. The group is vehemently anti-Semitic and its primary goal is the destruction of Israel along with every Jewish man, woman and child as part of a religious obligation.

Hezbollah really is the party of Allah because Allah, as narrated in the hadith, for example, instructs Muslims: "The Hour will not begin until you fight the Jews, until a Jew will hid behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: 'O Muslim, O slave of Allah, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him--except the gharqad tree.'

[The hadith is a collection of traditions that contain sayings of the prophet of Islam, Mohammed, with accounts of his daily practice known as the Sunna. The hadith is the major source of guidance for Muslims apart from the Koran.]

Hezbollah acts as a proxy for Iran in the forever ongoing Iran-Israel proxy war. The group was conceived by Muslim clerics and primarily funded by Iran. Yes, that is their religious obligation, or jihad.

There has been a source for the Jerusalem Post that said a reaction to Israel is "being arranged in a way which wouldn't lead to a war that neither Hezbollah nor Israel wants. The direction now is for a calculated strike, but how matters develop, that's another thing," the source said.

According to Hezbollah, two drones, which fell in the group’s stronghold neighborhood of Dahiya, were both armed with 5.5 kilos of C4 explosives.

The city was “subjected to a raid carried out by two drones: the first came down due to a technical failure while the second exploded.”

Hezbollah spokes-terrorist Muhammad Afif said Sunday that one Israeli drone exploded causing significant damage to the group’s media office, wounding three people. The other drone crashed shortly afterwards, causing no damage.

The announcement by Hezbollah comes after several reports accused Israel of attacking Lebanon with drones over the past two days in the first such “hostile action” by Israel in Lebanon since the 2006 Second Lebanon War.

Israel took responsibility for striking an Iranian position south of the Syrian capital of Damascus. The attack killed two Hezbollah terrorists and an Iranian terrorist planning to attack northern Israel with armed drones. 

Props to the IDF.

“What happened in Syria and Lebanon last night is very, very dangerous,” Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader said in a speech Sunday night, adding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “would be mistaken if he thinks that this issue can go unnoticed.

“The time at which Israeli war jets used to strike targets in Lebanon while the usurping entity in Palestine kept safe has ended,” Nasrallah continued. “From tonight, I tell the Israeli army on the border, wait for our response, which may take place at any time on the border and beyond the border. Be prepared and wait for us.”

It's unlikely Netanyahu did not think for one second that Hezbollah wouldn't notice that Israel successfully neutralized their terrorists who were seeking to attack the Jewish state. In fact, he wanted them to notice because he is putting them on notice, that Israel will not sit back and take their attacks without retaliating.

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