Friday, August 30, 2019

Former Canadian PM hopes Hurricane Dorian destroys Mar-a-Lago

Riding her broomstick across Canada's frozen tundra, the only cis woman to ever serve as Prime Minister of Canada, Kim Campbell, responded to a tweet from a scientist warning about the destructive power of Hurricane Dorian as it threatens the East Coast, particularly Florida and its inhabitants. "I'm rooting for a direct hit on Mar-a-Lago!" the witch tweeted.

The storm is expected to gain strength, possibly as a Category 4 with winds reaching around 130 mph, according to the National Hurricane Center. It is also expected to move slowly at around 5 mph and drop an epic amount of rain in the state, and Campbell is apparently delighted--you can tell by her photo above.

One normal person pointed out to the evil woman, "What the heck is wrong with you. There are real people who live and work there." The b**ch responded with: "get a grip." Then tweeted: "As there are in Puerto Rico-sorry you don't get the snark-but Trump's indifference to suffering is intolerable! It'd also help if he tackled climate change which is making hurricanes more destructive! Instead, he will remove limits on methane! Get a grip!" she said while expelling her own supply of methane.

After the resignation of Brian Mulroney in 1993, Campbell served for about [Canadians say "aboot"] five months as prime minister. She currently serves as the chairperson for Canada's Supreme Court Advisory Board and continues to suck at this job as she had done so in the past.

Since going on an exclamatory tweet-fest, Donald Trump style, the acrimonious Campbell has deleted her tweet but she hasn't deleted her hatred, which she accuses Trump of harboring.

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