Monday, August 12, 2019

Elizabeth 'Dances with Dingbats' Warren compares abortion to a tonsillectomy

Warren on the warpath
Sen. Elizabeth Warren in her incredibly shrill and annoying voice has on several occasions compared killing an unborn baby in the womb is like having your tonsils taken out. 

But a new fact check by Politifact may have obfuscated the truth and fooled some voters.

On Wednesday, the far left propaganda machine ran the headline: “The Elizabeth Warren quote likening abortion to tonsil removal? It’s edited and taken out of context.” reports:
Politifact based its fact check on a post about Warren that Facebook recently flagged as “fake news.” 
According to the “fact check”: 
The post features a photo of the Massachusetts senator with text above and below the image that reads: “‘Having an abortion is no different than someone having their tonsils removed.’ – Liberal Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren. Yes she really said this and is really this d— crazy and stupid!” 
The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed.
It is not clear where the post came from, and it was soon removed. It appears to have been a hand-made graphic, not an article or post from a news site or blog.

Politifact rated the post “mostly false,” calling it “heavily edited” and taken out of context, but they are lying. Warren made the comparison between an unborn baby and a tonsillectomy.

On Jan. 21, 2018, Warren wrote a column for Time magazine to celebrate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade:
“On the 45th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, I think about what has changed since abortions became legal. Our healthcare system has pretty much dealt with the safety issue: thanks to Roe vs. Wade, abortion is now safer than getting your tonsils out.”
So if you want to check facts, avoid using Politifact.

Later in July of last year, she wrote basically the same thing in piece published in Marie Claire.
“When abortions are illegal, women don’t stop getting them— they just risk their lives to do it. Today, thanks to Roe, getting an abortion is safer than getting your tonsils out. Before Roe v. Wade, many women turned to back-alley butchers to end their pregnancies.”
The pro-life watchdog group Operation Rescue refuted evidence about the safety of abortion recently, comparing the number of ambulance transports from colonoscopy clinics [where Warren would go for a tonsillectomy based on where her tonsils are located] in Missouri, to those from the state’s only abortion facility. It found that the frequency of ambulance transports for patient emergencies was four and a half times higher at the abortion clinic.
Evidence from former abortion clinic workers, patients and state health inspection reports indicate that abortion facilities frequently do not always report patient complications.

More importantly,  according to Planned Parenthood and the Guttmacher Institute, most women did not seek back alley abortions prior to Roe, as Warren tried to make us believe.

According to Dr. Mary Calderone, the medical director of Planned Parenthood wrote in 1960:
“… about 90 percent of all illegal abortions are presently being done by physicians…Whatever trouble arises usually arises from self-induced abortions, which comprise approximately 8 percent, or with the very small percentage that go to some kind of non-medical abortionist…So remember…abortion, whether therapeutic or illegal, is in the main no longer dangerous, because it is being done well by physicians.”
An abortion is nothing like a tonsillectomy. In the latter, a tiny organ of the mother is removed to prevent complications. In the former, a baby is killed, usually inside the mother, to prevent life complications of raising a child. Also, evidence suggest that abortions aren't safe for the mother either.

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