Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Australia: Guy yells 'Allahu akbar' goes on jihad stabbing spree

Sydney, Australia -- A devout Muslim jihadist yelling "Allahu akbar" [Allah is greater] went on a stabbing spree in Sydney. One infidel has been reported dead as the man attempted to stab several others on Tuesday afternoon. He was finally restrained by bystanders and held for police.

Witnesses said the man was carrying a 12-inch kitchen knife as he attempted to stab multiple people near a busy intersection in Australia’s largest city. Australian leftist politicians are calling for a ban on assault kitchen knives.

New South Wales state police said in a statement that a man was arrested, and that a woman was taken to a hospital in stable condition.

Australia’s 10 Daily reports that a second person was found dead a city block from where the injured woman was found around 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday. Police are looking into whether the death is connected to the stabbing incident, the news site reports.

If it isn't related, I'll eat my Bora Bora Booney.

“A number of members of the public physically restrained the offender,” police Superintendent Gavin Wood said. “I want to acknowledge those members of the public who got involved. They were significantly brave people.”

Wood, who likely has never read the Koran, said it appeared that the attack was unprovoked and the man had acted alone.

A witness told reporters that the man was screaming comments about religion, before yelling to police that he wanted to be shot [because he was horny and needed those 72 virgins, pronto]. Police said he used the Arabic phrase “Allahu akbar,” or "Allah is greater." They have no idea why.

A witness, Paul O’Shaughnessy, said he and his brother Luke were working in the office of their recruitment company when they heard shouting through an open window. They looked out and saw a Caucasian man, aged around 25, screaming “extremist” religious words, O’Shaughnessy said. They were not really "extremist," they were Islamic.

The brothers, fearing the man was conducting a terrorist attack, ran down to the street and began chasing the man, who was covered in blood.

Luke O’Shaughnessy and another man caught up with the offender and tackled him to the ground, Paul O’Shaughnessy said, adding that when they caught the guy, he showed no remorse at all.

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