Thursday, August 15, 2019

AOC believes Trump supporters are racist, but just don't know it

They say if you want to get work done, give it to a busy person. They also say that if you want to show deference to a dolt, listen to Alexandria Obviously-Comatose [AOC] lecture you on life's issues. She understands how people operate like a blowfish understands algebra.

Socialist Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY for now) appeared on Pod Save America [because they cannot bring themselves to bring G_d into the discussion] and she was asked an edgy, tough question that only the left gets to ask the left. That is, she was asked if she believes Trump supporters are racists. It's always inspiring to put all people you don't agree with in one category--Hillary Clinton did it when she used the 'deplorables basket' as a category--and now AOC gave us a lengthy, erudite answer. 

She said that asking someone if they're a racist is a trap. But she later went on to say that many Trump supporters don't believe they're racist, implying that we are, but we just don't know it. The reason is that we aren't sufficiently woke, a term coined by William Melvin Kelley, and is an African-American colloquialism that is now defined as: "aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues." That is, you're woke if you completely agree with people who use the term woke.

Host Jon Favreau chimed in: “I don’t necessarily want to vilify people who vote for Trump but at the same time you also need to call racism out.” 

AOC then put on her intelligent, serious face, forgetting she was on a podcast, not a video or TV show, and pontificated: “The biggest mistake that we have, and it’s a trap that’s set by the right whether intentionally or unintentionally, is just the frame of asking ‘Is blank racist?' It’s not about asking whether Trump voters are racist. We need to talk about racism, not racists.”

But rather than AOC or anyone on the left actually bothering to define the term racism, the virtue-signaler not from the Bronx continues trying to expand it. Everyone who disagrees with her are racists. Nancy Pelosi is a racist. Trump is a racist. All Trump voters are racists. How does she know and what does it even mean?

“Trump relied on a coalition and a core part of that coalition were racists building a coalition with all sorts of other people that could be susceptible to racist views if they were blanketed and layered and made people feel good about it not being a racist thing,” the bug-eyed socialist said without a shred of evidence, but sounded serious enough to convince progressives and fellow socialists gullible enough to believe her.

She then said in her preachy 'belchy' voice: “And so there are a lot of people supporting Trump that genuinely don’t believe that they are racist because we do not talk about or educate people on recognizing racism. [Perhaps they had the same educators who 'educated' AOC on economics, American history and the glory of socialism. Still, what is her definition of racist? She never says it because she wants to be able to use it freely.]

“And because we do not do that it just allows itself to just—we get caught in this debate of is something racist, and then a person uses their defensiveness and they say ‘Well, it’s not racist because I’m not racist and I believe this thing because it’s economic in nature.'”

What a beacon of wisdom in the dark night of our age. What a pseudo-intellectual.

AOC is probably too dumb to realize that she begins by saying not all of Trump’s supporters are racist but ends by saying if Trump’s supporters were sufficiently educated (by the woke left) they wouldn’t deny that they are racist by pointing to things like economic factors. Maybe she isn't even aware of how she contradicted her own words.

Well she can go to hell.

As a white guy married to a brown, Muslim gal, [who also voted for Trump and has a mind of her own] I refuse to accept the label that this ignorant anti-Semitic slut has tried to accuse me and my wife of being, not to mention half of America.

And Trump simply is not a racist--Israelis obviously don't think so, but they know that AOC supports the BDS movement and is pals with her squad of anti-Semites. So if anyone is really a racist, all she needs to do is look in the mirror, if it casts a reflection.

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1 comment:

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