Monday, June 17, 2019

They're eating their own: Avenatti blasts Alyssa Milano as a 'disgusting hypocrite'

Porn actress specialist attorney Mike Avenatti went after mediocre actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter Monday. He was angry by a tweet Milano posted after his arrest for domestic violence last November.

At the time, Milano said, as reported by Fox News, that the domestic violence allegations against the former CNN presidential hopeful, were "totally disgusting" and that she was "disavowing" Avenatti. This must have cut the sleazy lawyer to the quick as he had always been a fan of "Who's the Boss" and fellow Trump-haters.

Avenatti was arrested  in November 2018 after an ex-girlfriend, who was not a porn actress, accused him of grabbing her forcibly by the wrist and bodily throwing her out of his luxurious apartment that may have been paid for by CNN's Brian Stelter, allegedly.

The Los Angeles City Attorney's Office announced in February that Avenatti would not be charged with a crime because he was a progressive and gets a free pass this time.

For some crazy reason, Avenatti chose to respond on Monday -- about eight months after the actress' tweet -- by labeling her a "disgusting hypocrite."

And when it comes to disgusting, Michael Avenatti wrote the book.

"You preach about Trump's need to follow the constitution but then ignore it yourself," Avenatti wrote in a blind porn rage. "You are a disgusting hypocrite. I don't care what side you are on. Where the hell is my apology for you proclaiming my guilt for something I was never even charged with?" he said, but the case is still open, according to the LA DA [Doo-dah.] He can still be charged, but I suspect that Eric Swalwell has a better chance of being elected President of the United States than that ever happening.

Meanwhile, the scumcrumpet weasel is still facing a number of federal charges in California and New York for allegedly trying to blackmail Nike, as well as other crimes. It's on audio tape so Avenatti has as much chance of winning this case as Bernie Sanders has of holding a real job faw maw than a yeaah.
Last week, to the delight of President Trump, the California State Bar made a motion to suspend Avenatti's law license, [that he apparently found inside a box of Cracker Jacks.] The state bar argued that his alleged conduct "poses a substantial threat of harm to clients or the public."

Hopefully, Avenatti will represent himself and prove the old adage that a person who represents themself in a court trial, has an idiot for a client.

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