Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Ilhan Omar refuses to show her tax returns but wants Trump to show his

Hypocrisy: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel. His hypocrisy was finally revealed with the publication of his private letters.especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion--Miriam Webster
Let's use the word hypocrisy in a sentence: "Ilhan Omar wants President Donald Trump to disclose his tax returns but she refuses to disclose hers and her hypocrisy is freaking palpable."

"Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was found by the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board … to have committed several campaign finance violations,” according to what Breitbart News reported last Thursday. Specifically,  the violations are with her campaign for paying legal expenses related to her personal tax returns, and also reimbursing her for out-of-state travel that was found to be unrelated to her state legislative duties.

The board’s report also noted that Omar and Ahmed Hirsi, her current husband, “filed joint tax returns for 2014 and 2015.” That could add fuel to the allegations that she had been married to two men at the same time — one of whom, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, City Journal noted in 2016, was alleged (though never proven) to be her brother.

In fact, it has been alleged that she used the money and travel to deal with her divorce from her brother, who she allegedly married to gain him citizenship. If this turns out to be true, she should face legal consequences.

The AP reports that it asked for Omar’s tax returns but received no response.

Last week, Minnesota State Rep. Steve Drazkowski (R-Mazeppa) told Breitbart News Tonight that Omar’s violations were part of a pattern of behavior: “I had never seen that amount of campaign finance law violations,” he said.

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